Review by Melanie Sutton on
Incredible leader, visionary, mentor. Always there for calls, heart centred and honest.
Brilliant coach on personal and business building.
A fantastic human all round with a raw and real personality.
Rebecca has seen the future of a company that is making a huge impact on people's lives, health and finances.
I feel honoured to be part of it.
We have daily training and calls, led by Rebecca White and her team of 💎 diamonds.
Her legacy to make others time free and financially free is something I know she will definitely achieve.
Rebecca should be honoured for all she brings to this company, to all those in her Australia and New Zealand team.
With her as leader we have only to top to reach, and I doesn't seem impossible because we have support and skills.
Her quotes that she has used that stick with me the most are
"It's none of your business what others think of you"
"This journey is the greatest self improvement journey you will ever have in your life" and "there is no mistakes, only lessons" have stuck with me and helped me so much in times I'm uncertain or feeling fragile.