Review by Pauline Lekola Mmola on MASIYA BALOYI

AMOS MASIYA BALOYI is patient, with amazing teaching skills, the leader who is always ready to help at any given time when assistance is needed, regardless of time. Mr. Baloyi strives to teach and help each and everyone in need of his help, he is a good mentor, the way he taught us, about the APLGO products was amazing when I first joined the company , I learnt a lot on how to achieve goals in a realistic way through his simple way of explaining the methods of how one can achieve and reach their goals, the way he unfolded the marketing plan, and how one can make a living by following his easy steps towards personal and achievable targets, the presentation skills, working as a team, how easy teamwork can bring better results and better earnings.
Mr. Baloyi is a leader who is more interested in uplifting others and wishing the best for other's success, the leader who is more than willing to show other's how to better regarlessdof their academics. The leader who doesn't mind explaining things over until you grasp the concepts I would recommend Mr. Baloyi for any position he might be tasked with.

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