Review by Pranita Pawar on iX Global
Super platform.
Thanks to IX gives wonderful opportunity in forex market.The compansation plan is very good which brings changes in our life.
Nice company, change my life from IX academy.
IX GLOBAL ACADEMY latest fastest growing company.
Very well knowledge from ix.
Learn and earn platform.
Number one platform in India for forex market.
IX global is most powerful company, best education platform.
Nice company, change my life from IX academy.
Thanks to IX gives wonderful opportunity in forex market.The compansation plan is very good which brings changes in our life.
Daily session education buildup and forex market complete knowledge and income generate your decision your growth.
Getting new life and financial freedom with the help of compassion plan and company vision for future growth of ambastor is very very great.once again thank you iX global Academy
Very good facilities for Automation bot though AI technology and manual trading.