Review by Roshani Gupta on QNet
It is a great Company…Qnet ! One of the greatest network marketing company in the world with Amazing products.. people should buy atleast once it's products.
Qnet is in my blood now.. ?? it has great support from each and everyone who are associated with this company.. the success, the values, and most important the family that you get here is a boon. I am blessed to be a part of this network marketing company. Our Founder Dato Sri Vijay Eshwaran, one of the greatest founder of this world and the visionary has touched billion of hearts.. his vision is to touch billion hearts, and he has raised people to help other peoples. One of the greatest charity foundation the RYTHM.. Raise Yourself to Help Mankind is helping people accross the globe ?. THE-V is helping helping the people to empower themselves and grow themselves.
All I would say.. I love u Qnet.. thanks for coming in my life.. if somebody getting opportunity I would say, come into the Qnet and understand it, the culture, the organisation and the ethics. You will never found such company anywhere in the World.
Thanks QNET