Review by Tammy Risaliti on B-Epic
The first image on my B-Epic Website shows a woman in Yoga meditation. I am a Seventh Day Adventist and Yoga goes against Biblical principles. Also, Seventh Day Adventist are amongst the top people in the world for longevity of life. This is due to following Biblical health principles which is why my marketing strategy was largely geared toward people in my faith groups. With that image I would not be able to sell your products nor would they buy them.
Please remove if possible or I will have to decline from being a sales associate and buying your products in the future. Further, you will lose many of your followers of Christ if it appears you are promoting Yoga.
Please replace this Yoga image with someone praying or another image. I have attached a link to better explain why Yoga goes against God’s principles and why we do not practice or promote it. I have also attached a link giving you an idea of how many millions of sales you could lose by promoting Yoga on your websites. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you!