Review by Ted Nuyten on Univia

Univia is a startup


Univia is a beauty and wellness company on a mission to change the digital sales industry with the first full integration of digital marketing.

Our founders have a long history of success in the digital universe. They have engaged product experts at the forefront of creating beauty products using sustainable and low environmental impact methods. This creates the perfect balance of product innovation and focused direct-sales-warrior know-how.

Our associates share our frontier entrepreneurial spirit, their own confidence backed up by the highest quality beauty products. One of our founders created a multi-million dollar business at the age of 18.

Univia is a lifestyle and wellness company that is promising to change the direct sales industry with the first full integration of digital marketing. The founders of Univia are all long-time voyagers in the digital universe, with impressive track records in a wide spread of Internet-based initiatives. To match their native know-how, the founders have surrounded themselves with veteran warriors from the direct sales world, and with a fully balanced team they are set to make business history.

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