Review by Tom Peach on Telecom Plus

UW is the only business I know of that offers a TRUE RESIDUAL income, why do I say that? Well in any product-based business your volume resets to zero at the start of every month and your commission that month depends entirely on how much product you can shift that month.

You may not think utilities are very 'sexy' but the truth is we ALL need and use them on a daily basis (and can't stop!) – when did you ever hear someone say "Oh, money's tight let's do with out the electricity this month". Ask yourself a simple question – 'Do you get an electricity bill? Would you mind if it was lower?'

Every adult in the country has a mobile phone, uses the internet and pays for heat and light – showing people how to pay less for all these things is a no brainer.

helping just 6 homeowners in a month to reduce all their household bills will pay you over £2000 – This equates to around 9-12 hours of actual work.

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