Review by vicki j on
Talk about hubris, this company "Odecent" has no decency! Tawafi is a psychopathic pathological liar and of course the Doctor (Parwiz) are thieves who prey on peoples vulnerability and steal their money, usually leaving a trail of financial destruction behind.
These people and their cohorts are on their third SCAM with this company after stealing millions from AULIVES and then Validus. They are banned in Australia and New Zealand and are being monitored by Interpol for the many fraudulent claims and money laundering they have undertaken.
The other Jocker in the mix is their CEO, Coward Howard Friend. My warning to you he is NOT your friend. He is also a low life SCUM bag, bottom feeder and a thief who sits on their board to give them validity.
These Human Trash deserve to be in a prison cell so we can detox the planet from their Evil actions. Those who have invested in this SCAM, be warned that the day would come when you too will loose your hard earnt money just like 500,000 people have lost theirs before you.