Review by Yvonne Hemara on Mereana Wilson
Mereana Wilson is very approachable! I've been friends with her on my Facebook for quite awhile and she is a ray of sunshine when she sings! She approached me on Sunday just gone and ask me about the business she is in! We ended up having a zoom conversation! Very well spoken! I didn't know what to expect! But she's hoped me her plan like every plan I've been show! It was different! She was polite and helpful and really sympathetic in the bad experiences I've got myself into before! It was that way where my husband would not allow me to join any business like it ever again! But I called my husband in on our conversation and he was happy speaking with Mereana and already deciding to join he business! So to me she has what it takes to be a great leader! And Ior we are looking forward to working with her in the future 😀! So I wish her all the best in this review and her the thumbs up in everything she does!