Review by Zachary Hamrick on QSciences
Brandon Stevens is a LEADER and takes charge to make sure that everything is done not only quickly, but ensures that everything is done correctly, and most importantly listens to everyone below him as well which is amazing!
I decided to sign up as a distributor for Q Sciences and I have not ever once regretted that choice because Brandon made sure that everyone in his line was taken good care of, and always takes that extra step to ensure that we're all good!
The products from Q Sciences are simply life-changing, and you really have to try them, in order to believe it. I enjoy all of my Sleep sprays, and I don't think I could go a day without the Excel and Renew Cream.
Brandon, if you can see this, I am very proud to be directly under you and your amazing leadership, I will continue to support you just as much as you have supported me, good Sir. Good health and safety to you and your family!