Zeek Rewards Leaders Outside The USA Will Face Legal Proceedings

Zeek Rewards Lawsuit


How the Zeek Rewards Receivership intends to go after Zeek investors who are outside of the USA, has made clear in his status report for the second quarter of 2014.

Receiver Kenneth Bell:

Counsel for the Receiver prepared a request for proposal, which it distributed to a select number of law firms in countries where the largest ZeekRewards net winners reside.

The Receiver Team has been in discussions with multiple overseas law firms regarding the logistics, strategy, and costs involved with pursuit of net winners residing in these firms’ various countries.

Claims against foreign net winners will likely be grouped by the country in which these individuals reside, with some actions being initiated here in the Western District of North Carolina and other actions being filed in the foreign net winners’ home countries.

The Receiver is evaluating the most efficient means of pursuing these individuals that will generate the greatest possible return for the Receivership Estate.

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