Herb & Patty Cepeda Review
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Hey buddy.
Long time, no see!
Please, send me your email at your convenience to:
[email protected]
Ok, totally joined Isagenix to support my upcoming Personal Training business. Super glad I can’t hear what you’re saying right now. What can I tell you? I simply didn’t know you were in it. Shizzle.
Anyhow I got in with a good buddy (another Trainer) out here in LA, I am feeling ok without “pro-support” because I’m “balls-to-the-wall” right now re-upping my training certification which I let go way past its allotted term (2yrs).
Herb, I just need some personal product advice cuz I know you work out. You BETTER still be workin’ out. I’m going from “uber-jacked” hyper pro body building supplements to Isagenix, and I intend to look like a FREAK doing it. What’s your personal use auto delivery order ?!?
I love you guys, and I think of you… about once a month give or take (LOL!). I miss you guys.
Michael Amos