Jim Gillhouse Review
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If you haven’t tuned in to Jim Gillhouse and his ACES RADIO LIVE show you are missing out! He gets his guests on for an hour and they are on the hot seat. (No commercials!) I have seen him call people like Ann Seig out for a debate and seek out the stars of the industry and find out what makes them tick. He gives credit where credit is due and also has the courage to take even his friends to task when he disagrees with them. (He’s done it with me!) I love this guy…and I have known him 20 years!
I’ll never forget the phone call when it came in… “Troy, I’m coming to Destin and we are going to get to know each other, because Tom Chenault told me you are the one person I need to get to know.”
I was blown away, first because Tom felt that way. Second because I had been listening to Jim for close to three years. His radio show Aces Radio Live has been the #1 MLM Based Radio show south of the Mississippi since the day it hit the airways.
Well, that day in April of 2009, was a life changer. Not only did I meet a new business partner, I found a new friend. Someone who is closer than a brother.
Jim Gillhouse offers his coaching to distributors for FREE, something hard to find these days. His belief is to “Pay it forward” and to give back to others, what his mentors have given him.
If you qualify for Jim to coach and mentor you, then you have just entered into a club which includes some of the most successful people I know inside and outside of the Direct Selling/MLM profession.
Jimmy, thank you for taking a huge chance with this Maverick MLM Marine!
Dynamite individual! Jim is a leader who is out to make this industry a better place. What I love about Jim is that he’s a straight up tell it like it is kind of person. He’s honest, sincere and has a real pay-it-forward mentality.
If you haven’t checked out Jim’s Aces Radio Program then I highly encourage you to take a listen!