Monavie Review
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Company Overview
MonaVie is sold in the United States, Brazil, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Japan, Israel, and Mexico. Introduced in January 2005, MonaVie develops and markets scientifically formulated, premium quality nutritional products, specifically for person-to-person distribution. Monavie is working with a binary compensation plan.
Executive team
Dallin A. Larsen, Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer Henry Marsh, Founder and Vice Chairman Randy Larsen, Founder and Vice Chairman Dell Brown, President and Chief Operating Officer Devin Thorpe, Chief Financial Officer .
Est. $800 million 2009, $ 950 million 2010. Top Earner Brig & Lita Hart Est. $ 950,000 a month.
MonaVie Scientific Advisory Board:
Dr. Penny Kris-Etherton, Dr. Alex Schauss, Dr. Stephen T. Talcott, Dr. Nathan D. Wong.
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