Tom Chenault Review
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Tom Chenault is a passionate man. Whether he is on the air with his Home Based Business Radio Show or on the phone encouraging a team member or spending time with his wonderful family, you can be sure he is doing it with all that he has. Tom has lived his entire life as if it were the gift he always wanted.
His life has been one big adventure. Tom has been a corporate airplane salesman, a stock broker, a public relations firm owner, a radio show host, and an ultra-successful network marketer. While Tom has made and lost a lot of money during his career(s), he has never lost his infectious sense of humor and his ability to rise to the top of his professionâ?¦and help others to do the same. If you asked him what gives him pride he will tell you; Outside his wonderful family, he is most proud of being sober for over twenty years. â??How I survived being a drunk only God knows. Maybe he isnâ??t finished with me yet.â? Indeed.
Tom is described by countless admirers as caring, compassionate and selfless. His drive, whether helping the homeless, or students from the local high school, or those that look to him for leadership in his networking marketing career is simply boundless. He might casually blame his abundance of energy on the nutritional supplements he takes 3-4 times each day, but those that know him best will tell you, itâ??s his passion to positively impact others lives that keeps him going.
I’ve known Tom a long time. He is top notch.
I consider myself a better person in simply for knowing Tom Chenault. He is truly a person who leads by example, leads with his heart and is always willing to go the extra mile for ANY person.
His knowledge and industry experience places him in an elite group that most strive to achieve. As a friend and mentor who has helped to pave the way for me and I’m glad that he is a part of my life.
Ashley Bolivar
If Five Stars is the maximum possible in any category, then Tom deserves all five in all categories. If there were 6, I would give him 6. I’ve been in Amway twice, NuSkin, and a couple of vitamin mlms that I can’t even remember.
In my recollection, no one has even come close for leadership and consistently being available with help His communication skills are incredible. Although sometimes he does seem much larger than life itself as it usually occurs, you will find yourself both liking and trusting him. If you ever find yourself to be low or doubtful, then just a few minutes of a “shot of Chenault” will put your head and heart back together.
Tom is one of the greatest networkers in MLM. He really cares about YOU! Not how much he can make off you being in his downline, but how he can help you get what you want out of life. If you are in need of something, Tom will hook you up with someone that can help. It’s refreshing!
Tom Chenault is the greatest advocate for Network Marketing I have ever run across. He is a true leader in the industry. Despite his extensive experience and high position in the business, he makes time to train, do three way calls, home presentations, and two on one appointments with beginners in his company. When a recent crisis arose in his company, some of my associates assumed Tom would cut and run based on their passed experience with other leaders. But Tom immediately set to work to find a solution for his team. His actions not only saved the businesses of the people on team, but actually put them in a better position than they were in before. I am proud to be associated with Tom and his wife Denice and I am proud to call them friends.
Tom Chenault is an amazing person that has done so much for me through just about every aspect of my life in a very short period of time. I originally met him in November and from that first time he sincerely cared about me and took a honest interest in helping me work through the worst year in my life.
After 26 years in the high tech industry, the economic crisis turned me into one of the many casualties which found out the hard way that experience and age actually was no longer an advantage. I found myself having to “reinvent” myself in a totally new direction. While change had always been the norm in the career I had selected to provide for my family, it was never this radical.
After deciding I needed more in life then an 80-100 hour per week job where the executives really did not care about anything except for the bottomline, I decided it was time to focus on what was really important, providing for my family as well as others that desperately needed “a helping hand”.
A mutual friend, Jim Lytton, knew I was a Voice Over Professional and suggested I meet Tom at his coffee shop, Buzz Coffee. One Thursday in November, I was working in the shop and in came Tom. I took the opportunity to just introduce myself and the next thing I knew, we were into a very amazing conversation which made me feel like Tom was a long time “best friend” which I had known forever.
That was the start of a wonderful relationship which helped me to start pursuing my long-time dream as well as continue to focus on those important things – my family and helping others.
I know that everyone that has had the priviledge to come across him could only say great things about him. Tom goes way beyond the call of duty to help any and everyone he can where ever he goes.
Tom Chenault is one of the most significant people I know in my 50 years of being on this planet and I “thank God everyday” for guiding me to Tom.
I take great pleasure and pride in my association with Tom and his family, I have worked with Tom in his chosen MLM business for nearly 10years, he has provided leadership and training even counseling when I needed or deserved it.
I look forward to many more years of as one of Tom’s chosen leaders and more importantly friend. Tom is a true servant leader some one who cares and shoots from the heart not the hip!.
Thanks for the opportunity to comment.
Ken Smith
Youngevity Australia.
I would say without a doubt TC is one of greatest communicators on the Globe. On the radio and phone! I heard one time that the first blue tooth the modern world ever saw was when Tom was born. Plip! He came out the womb with it embedded in his ear! At the DRA meeting in Vegas last year I saw him sit thru the meeting… so engrossed he wasn’t even texting! Amazing. I often bear the brunt of his 38 second calls….. Rod! Information dump!!!!!…Blip he is gone DIALING YOU probably! Question? Why do all the really good guys.. have T’s first name TC = Tom TS = Tom Schreiter TP = Tom Pareedes. Now answer that for me!!!! Rod Cook
I just noticed that there is not a link for those that don’t know TC (AKA Tom Chenault).
Here is is
Let’s see if that hot links
Rod Cook
Tom is exceptional communicator, radio host and networker. He is a life learner who attracts professionals around the world because of his generous spirit. It is important to surround yourself with positive, successminded individuals, that is why I choose Tom to be in my top circle of friends and advisors.
Tom Chenault has been one of my best friends for over ten years.
His heart must weigh thirty pounds as he has so much love for everyone.
Good, bad, rich, poor, all lines are blurred with Chenault. He simply loves you.
Tom always seems to â??have an answerâ? when you are in desperate need of just â??thatâ? answer.
Tom is a unique combination of The GO-GIVER and MR. SHMOOZE all tied up
in one great big handsome package.
Marcie Cook– Wife of Rod Cook THE WATCHDOG
I’ve known Tom Chenault for a very long time now and during that time I have had the pleasure of working with him on a number of fantastic projects both large and small.
Iâ??ve had the distinct pleasure of working with Tom as a co-host and featured speaker on his weekly radio program â??The Home-Based Business Radio Show.â? I can honestly say that I don’t think I’ve ever met a more down to earth, genuine, good hearted and giving person in my life.
Tom Chenault is a multi millionaire but you would never know it to talk with him.
The only way that you would ever know that heâ??s as successful as he is, would be to have a long conversation with someone very close to him, or invest a considerable amount of time into studying him in action. Tom is a kindred spirit and I think thatâ??s why I understand him so well. He is motivated by helping others to find things within themselves that they didnâ??t even know were there. Ralph Waldo Emerson once said that â??If you want to have a friend, you must first be a friend.â? I donâ??t think I know anyone that understands both the dynamics and synergy of that statement any better than Tom Chenault.
So, if youâ??re looking for a mentor, motivator, keynote speaker or just a friendâ?¦ I can strongly recommend Mr. Tom Chenault and it is truly an honor to call him both a mentor and a friend.
Tom Chenault gave me a chance doing a small bit on his #1 rated Saturday morning syndicated radio show “The Home Base Business Radio Show.” that was back in 2008.
He never held back! He corrected me, mentored me, praised me, and spoke him mind when I needed it.
Tommy is a true Servant Leader, who cares more for his team and their long term financial future, than he does his short term financial gains.
I can tell you, if Tom Chenault decides to help you in life or business, then he will not stop until you have accomplished one of two things… You have stretched and became the leader he knew you could become, or two you have proven to him, you do not want it, as bad as he wants it for you.
I am privileged to be counted as one of a handful in Tom’s inner circle, and I can tell you, what you see and hear about Tom Chenault in public, is exactly what he is like in private.
Tommy, I love you big brother, and I will always have your back!!!!
Tom really knows how to build a mlm business and where to find networker leads.
There is much that can be said about Tom Chenault…
I met Tom Chenault at a City Market in Colorado… a little down on my luck. Tom opened his heart, and his home. He believed in me when I did not. He taught me how to live again. I am truly grateful to Tom and his family for years of support and love. During the years I spent with Tom..I bought a classic Mustang, gave back to the community, gave and received love, and learned to rollerskate!
Thank you for the memories… I Love you!
I forgot to rank Tom Chenault. You can read my previous about this amazing human being and friend.
I consider Tom Chenault to be a very true friend and warrior. Tom is the kind of guy that we all want to know. Tom goes out of his way to be of help to anyone in need. He is always there as a champion for the poor and other displaced people. He is extremely generous with both his time, talent, and financial resources. He is a caring person who seeks to foster good in everyones life. He is a master teacher in network marketing.
I have been in network marketing for some 30 years and I have never come across anyone that knew so much about how to successfully build a profitable business other than Tom. He genuinely believes that it is the friendships and relationships that one makes in building a business that is of most importance.
Tom is a visionary leader who is always there when you are in need. He is quick to the point on how to be successful. Tom and success go hand in hand. He is extremely intelligent, has great humor, loves people, loves life, and is genuine. You can take Tomâ??s word to the bank.
Tom, although an extremely busy person, makes himself always available to those who need him. Tom is a possibility thinker. Some would say he is a miracle worker. Tom is about empowering people to dream again.
I am very honored and humbled by having the opportunity to cross paths with Tom and to build a solid friendship.
Tom Chenault is an amazing person that has done so much for me through just about every aspect of my life in a very short period of time. I originally met him in November and from that first time he sincerely cared about me and took a honest interest in helping me work through the worst year in my life.
After 26 years in the high tech industry, the economic crisis turned me into one of the many casualties which found out the hard way that experience and age actually was no longer an advantage. I found myself having to â??reinventâ? myself in a totally new direction. While change had always been the norm in the career I had selected to provide for my family, it was never this radical.
After deciding I needed more in life then an 80-100 hour per week job where the executives really did not care about anything except for the bottomline, I decided it was time to focus on what was really important, providing for my family as well as others that desperately needed â??a helping handâ?.
A mutual friend, Jim Lytton, knew I was a Voice Over Professional and suggested I meet Tom at his coffee shop, Buzz Coffee. One Thursday in November, I was working in the shop and in came Tom. I took the opportunity to just introduce myself and the next thing I knew, we were into a very amazing conversation which made me feel like Tom was a long time â??best friendâ? which I had known forever.
That was the start of a wonderful relationship which helped me to start pursuing my long-time dream as well as continue to focus on those important things â?? my family and helping others.
I know that everyone that has had the priviledge to come across him could only say great things about him. Tom goes way beyond the call of duty to help any and everyone he can where ever he goes.
Tom Chenault is one of the most significant people I know in my 50 years of being on this planet and I â??thank God everydayâ? for guiding me to Tom.
Lots of wonderful things written all true.
Simply stated, Tom can look you directly in the eyes after knowing you only 5 minutes and stare directly into your soul. He can know what makes you tick, know what your dreams are and then go about doing something to help you achieve them. He sees the best in people, always and human beings that can do that are very rare indeed.
Tom Chenault is dynamic leader who leads by encouragement and inspiration. he always sees the best in people and always causes them to smile. I think the thing he is famous for is always being positive and giving people “hope”. When you meet Tom you feel like you have known him a long time or just re-connected with an old friend. He not only is a GREAT network marketing leader, but genuinely cares for people and is always active in good causes in his community. Great communicator and a visionary soul. How can you not love this guy?
Tom Chenault leads with his whole heart. He believes in you and your greatness long before you do, and he offers to coach and lead you to your full potential. Most of the time he can do all of these things without you knowing it. I feel blessed to have such a mentor in my life.
I don’t know who responded as Isaac Pacheco…a dear friend of mine, (homeless)who died several years ago. But what you wrote touched me to the core…reminded me of who I am…who I want to be. Thank you from the bottom of my heart…
I’ve only known Tom for about a month now–the circumstance for our introduction a bit of a pressure cooker. Instinctively, I trust him. As a matter of practicality, he’s already brought tremendous value to our relationship. I can only hope he feels the same for my limited contribution.
The network marketing profession (world, for that matter) needs more Tom Chenaults. And, as I read some of the sentiments left by his longtime friends, I cannot help but feel a bit cheated by an 18-year career absent of Tom’s influence. I have a lot of catching-up to do.
Tom Chenault in one word “cares”. That is what I have always seen about him in his words and most importantly his actions. For it is said, “actions speak louder than words”. It is that simple, a mans words and actions describe his characater. Toms is the tops.
I have only known Tom for a short time but all I can say is that he is a very kind caring man whose only interest is seeing people grow and develop into the best they can be not only in business but as people. He is very genuine and honest. He is a champion as a person and as a leader in multi-level marketing
Tom has a talent of bringing out the best in you. He believes in you until you believe in yourself. As strange as it sounds â??You are a better person by knowing him. We LOVE you Tom! THANK YOU is not enough for all YOU do!
Tom and Denice Chenault are Terrific Leaders not only in this Industry, but in their Community. They Help People because they love it, not because of Money or Recognition. Much of what they do goes unknown and uncompensated monetarily. I’ve seen Tom help perfect strangers with money, time or other support. Tom and Denice are what is GREAT about our Industry!
Tom Chenault,
is a Leader, a man of high integrity and deeply cares about people. He is great guy to know. He came and stayed at my home one weekend and it was one of the best times I have had. Largely because he really was trying to help me and it was a choice that he made to offer a hand. His insights, his energy and most of all his ability to have fun while building businesses makes for a lasting experience. I am glad that I know Tom and look forward to working with him again….
Way to GO Tom….all great !
It’s an honor and privilege to work with Tom. His dedication and tireless forward march for our industry is making a difference. With more people following his ethical, sound approach to building a home based business, we will all change more lives faster. I’m proud to call you my friend Tom.
Keep up the great work…you are appreciated!
I’ve known Tom since 1995 and consider him one of the most remarkable men I know. Funny. Loves people. Truly cares about making a difference. Simply a wild man and so far over the top one can’t help but want to follow him. You couldn’t have a better friend. When my heart was breaking over personal issues involving a teenage son, Tom was just a massive tower of strength and his assurances (and understanding) helped me understand that all would be well. For that alone, I thank God for every remembrance of my friend, Tom Chenault.