European Direct Selling Congress 2011
I would like to ask you the next question: What date would be the best to organize the
European Direct Selling Congress 2011? I have 2 dates:
9 and 10 April
3 and 4 September 2011
Please leave a comment with your best date…
Comments (13)
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I’d prefer september 2011 Ted !
I prefer 9 and 10 April 2011
My preference is 9 and 10 april 2011.
Best regards,
Martin Dubbeld
ACN Regional Vice President
Independent Represenative
Hello Ted
I would prefer 3-4 September 2011
Best wishes
I would prefer April! CU Mike
Hi Ted,
I would prefer September 2011.
Best regards
~September will be better, in my opinion…
Adam Green,
I prefer Sept 3. hope this doesn’t comment twice
Hi Ted,
my wife and I really enjoyed the first congress. We still treasure the conversations and encounters.
Will it be a two-day-event next year?
We would prefer the September date.
Best regards from Germany
Eckhard & Valérie
the September date works best for us
Hello Ted,
We would prefer the September date.
Best regards,
Julia & Dave
April and September are fine for us Ted.
Good Page