Eiro Research Ending MLM Operations
To All EIRO Associates and Customers:
It is with regret that I announce that EIRO Research has officially ceased operation. While the company experienced strong early growth and reached profilability quickly, revenues declined dramatically in November – December,
2010 and management believes the company is no longer sustainable. We have filled all orders for, which payment has been received. We are presently paying those entities required to be paid by statute. Those payments will likely consume all remaining resources.
We are attempt ing to negotiate the sale of the trademark, website, and our remaining inventory to a third party to have the required payment resources and so that t he quality EIRO products you have come to know and love will be available in the future. If successful you will likely receive a communication on how to order in the future. We thank all of you for all of your hard work, commitment, and determination.
Sincerely, Chris Hausman
Source: www.eiro.com
Comments (13)
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Very sad for the distributors involved.
Sad to see. Seemed like it was a good product and good leadership
Hi Ted, I agree it’s sad to see any network failing, unfortunately the same rules apply to network marketing as to any other business. Those early years just after the launch stage and before the solid growth phase establishes are dangerous years for any company in or out of our industry. The really sad part is that although some will simply write it off to experiences many distributors will write the entire industry off so denieng themselves the opportunity to acheive those dreams.
Always a shame to see this happen. We are all in this industry together, https://chocolateteamwork.com
I am not surprised. They evidently made poor decisions especially after hiring a man by the name of Ty Tribble as their field leader who publicly slandered on YouTube another MLM operation. I was never returned phone calls either. I hate to see MLM companies go but as the title of this article says do your due diligence folks.
Never judge a book by its cover 😉
unfortunately businesses come and go so do ideas. YET only the few embrace the idea and turn into a journey many aspire YET a few pass the finish line.
So my question to you all … What is the perfect combination? 😉
Yes, people in Europe particularly seem to feel that the failure of one company however promising initially, reflects on the whole industry of direct selling. As John says this attitude is a shame mainly for them, but we have to remind ourselves that every industry goes through an evolutionary period when these attitudes change. Seeing this from 18 years experience in Europe makes me appreciate that just like all businesses timing is everything!
I do sooo hope that the distributors have had a great taste of the power of the industry. In our present economy, it has the best chance for everyday people to come out on top. And that goes for the people that have not had a taste as well. I say chin up, shoulders square EIROians, find another suitable product and comp plan. Achieve your dreams. Blessings to all, B.
Too bad about the truth of the matter -all businesses have a survival period to make it or not. EIRO was one of the unfortunate…
You are so right, we all need to learn from this as those who love this industry. This is a shock to many about EIRO. Garland,TX will not be the same.
This is just another face of reality. A lot of businesses who are starting most likely tend to cease after a short time unless they have a big wallet to keep business up until the first years are passed and a stable mass of customers and distributors are in place to keep the business up. It’s important to do your due dilligence but sadly, most people who join the MLM industry does not have the resources or the knowlegde to do so. Either way you must be willing to risk some if you are getting involved in a new company. The good part of it is that it is not a big economical risk you are taking, unless you quit your fulltime job before you know the business will sustain. And yes, a lot of distributors will lose their income from EIRO or other companies that cease operation, but I’ll know that most of them have gained a lot of useful knowlegde about the industry, and how to work it. This will come in handy, not only when they are looking for a new company to get involved with or in the everyday life.
Wish all EIRO’s distributors good luck further and let’s hope that not to many of them think that MLM doesn’t work. To them I’d like to say that the “Industry” does work but like all business some survive others don’t and that goes for all business.
I guess if all your master distributor does is write a self-serving blog while being nasty about competitors then this is what happens. Kharma really is a bitch.
Some thought to ponder: If it was your company going “belly-up”, would you buy as much of the core product as you could afford? Or would you just switch to another brand?
Hello! I’m so sorry to listen this. I just can tell all distribuitors that you have a treasure: you have learned a lot with this experience. You have to look for your real dream, your goals with resilience (the hability to live a bad situation, not in a wrong way, but with more force! A hug:
Susana Chávez.