My Shopping Genie Busted by Andrew Burling

Andrew Burling was the Nr. 2 Top Earner in My Shopping Genie.
Business For Home has warned against MSG in September 2010, see this post
This what Andrew Burling has send Business For Home:
Mon, Jun 13, 2011 at 8:20 PM
Hi Ted
Great post/news on My Shopping Genie!!
For the record we were TERMINATED UNJUSTLY from MSG. I think they did not want to pay us all the money we had earned.
They owe us TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS, and after asking, then begging, then threatening to get paid, they turfed us! We were turfed on June 6, 2011. We were accussed of CROSS SPONSORING, but we were not even in another Company.
The GENIE is a dirty gang of thieves and liars. This is not good news for our great Industry. If you need any questions, let me know!
Thanks Ted!
Appreciate All You Do!
Andrew W. Burling
From our previous post:
John Van Deurzen – Canada $100,000 |
Andrew Burling – USA $50,0000 |
Frankie Lawler – USA $50,000 |
Chuck Williams – USA $50,000 |
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Sergei Kotcherine – Russia $5,000 |
Simon Brookes – UK $50,000 |
Kalpesh Patel – UK $29,000 |
Linda Chatham – Australia $5,000 |
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Craig Wotton – Australia $5,000 |
Chuck & Cheryl Alimena – USA $5,000 |
Emmanuel Kuye – UK $5,000 |
Joe Mhamed – Canada $5,000 |
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Comments (33)
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I totally agree with Andrew. MSG is not good. I wish all the people that got burned the best of luck..
You are all welcome to come visit my web site AT
Watch the movie and take the tour
Carl fish
Oh please. Give me a break.
Anyone with half a brain could see that an organisation promoting something like myshoppinggenie didn’t exactly have all its’ ethical ducks lined up. And I include reps in that statement as well. So is it really any surprise that they’d terminate people and stop paying? This thing is running out of steam. Finally. The top promoters have form. Wasn’t that enough?
And “This is not good news for our great Industry.” ??? Whaaaat? What industry? This thing was never, in my opinion, a part of the network marketing industry. So he must be talking about something else.
I’m looking forward to the court cases where unpaid reps accuse the company of running an illegal pyramid scheme. One that they happily took part in.
Sorry folks. My sympathy goes out to the mugs who were taken in, and certainly not to anyone who can’t claim they didn’t know better.
This is sad but the writing was on the wall. Be part of something legitimate that is changing the way network marketing is being done. I would think after going through this much work, the distributors of no product would want to have a more solid foundation which is endorsed by Rod Cook. When is this one eggs in one basket attitude going to change?
Good luck on your next move…if I was in this position I would think long and hard about what it will be as more and more of these stories come about. It is time the distributors take control and understand until you do the 1099 employee concept is still there and you will never own your own business.
Best wishes,
Monitium Masters
Andrew & Nancy was terminated on 6 of June from MSG. This video from 3 of June If they are did not promoting other mlm company , what they are doing ? note the date, this video explains it all, Andrew Burling began working with another company and what he says is a fraud bought it for $ 10000000
It is sad when things like this happens in the Industry. I am deeply sorry for what happened to all. Please consider taking a look at a company that is ethical, and pays its distributors now not later for the merits of your works, trips and more. I think having the author of the code of ethics for the DSA, that is also a board member makes a statement in itself, to incluse a co-founder that is a voting Grammy member, been at the top of several MLM company’s, and also sold a company for $40 million.
Just wanted to tell everyone that I’m an MSG distributor and to be honest I’ve being paid every penny that the cmpany owes me since I joined September 2010. To be honest with you this is not a pyramid scheme as there is a product. Just because you can’t physically touch the product doesn’t mean there isn’t any product at all.
My background is in Internet marketing for the last 5 years and the Genie business is ethical, honest and the greatest opp for anyone wanting to make extra income online.
This video blatantly shows Andrew and Nancy (whom I had great respect for) promoting another MLM opp… (you tell me the truth is this how MLM biz is meant to be run).
Top earners were terminated because they started using the Genie presentation platform to cross-promote other MLM opp which I and my downlines wrere approached to part take in. Anyone having a swipe at MSG should take stoke of themselves as why they were terminated.
Your greediness got you terminated and I hope that you learn from it.
Hi I’m sorry what is happening to you. I know a guy that your story is Simmler to. now he had’s learn from it and he’s teaching me and other’s from what he has gone threw. He been top of every Network marketing he’s been in, just to have the rug pull out from him. His turning point was when he hiding his car from the repoeman and his five year old son said why we can?t park our car in the driveway it’s two blocks down. But there is hope there is always hope. And I’m praying for you and your wife.
Personally although I watched the video addressed above inho, the policy and procedures of any network marketing company should be changed. You should be allowed to market non competing products all day long. The Internet is a great invention and thus allows you to work more than one thing at a time.
As a business owner as well I have to say anyone that puts their livliehood into one stream of income no matter what it i, is ludicrous. These Agreements are even more so…IMHO
That is why Monitium was created…to stop the madness.
Well wishes to everyone!
We were turfed on June 6, 2011. We were accussed of CROSS SPONSORING, but we were not even in another Company. (said Andrew) then how come a video was uploaded to you tube on june 3rd ( 3 days before your termination, coincidence ?) – this looks like a professional video, not one thats done in a few mins, so for it to be uploaded June 3rd it was done well before then. – People can make their mind up who is telling the truth here. – The shame is with mlm, when a leader goes they justify reasons to take their down lines – it happens often. Some so called networkers will jump on this but hey, you can chuck the mud but it wont stic,k as so many are behind the company. I have been paid every penny I am owed from the company. The company has made massive steps forward -in the last 4 months or so, They have introduced video email and web conferencing ( wowwe) introduced a Scandinavian app – launched a brand new web based app that is state of the art technology, Gone pre launch in more countries, developed a platform, genie daily deals which will be a competitor to groupon, Developed new vendor relationships and affiliates ( greater income potential from simply giving away the FREE app, Introduced a new customer services ticketing system that is awesome and only in the last few weeks launched Their own mastercard as a payment system – Which direction do you think this company is going and all that for only $34.95 a month approx £21 – GREAT VALUE – wave 2 is coming, be ready for it – Wave one scared the **** out of so many companies and their distributors thats why so many joined the genie. Not one person on this forum can present any evidence of any legal challenge against MY NET, because their is no challenge – We ARE LEGAL and here to stay. – BLOODY WELL DONE to the company for developing such an amazing product that WE can give away for FREE and make money.
The GENIE is a dirty gang of thieves and liars. This is not good news for our great Industry. If you need any questions, let me know!
Thanks Ted!
Appreciate All You Do!
Andrew W. Burling
Your words were a lie, this is a serious stain on your reputation.
I am sorry Andrew to hear your experience with Shopping Gene. However I personally teamed up with Brian Tracy himself in this exciting Business opportunity and I would be pleased if you could enjoy us In this incredible journey. Feel free to browse my website and to call me at any time. Have a great day.
Best regards,
Andrew / Nancy, I am surprised that you guys decided to switch companies so soon after we all met at the leadership weekend only a few weeks ago. You guys were in a great position, and with the due launch of the Genie Daily Daily deals, your income would have increased massively. Crazy when people consistently jump between companies. Good leadership filters through the team if the guys at the top stick around. If the whole team stick around, and drives the business forward as one, everybody succeeds ! If leaders jump between 2, or even 3 different companies at a time, the whole team crumbles.
Our leader is thrilled now that he is the number one earner in the world, thanks to you guys switching companies. As a result of his true qualities in leadership, and sustainability within the Genie, this energy filters through the team, which is the reason why it remains that our team consistently remains the fastest growing team on the planet.. Crazy, as you guys were receiving a bonus pay cheque on everything we did !
Anywayr; I wish you and your new team the best in your future endevour/s !!
Steven Aspinall
Andrew / Nancy, I am surprised that you guys decided to switch companies so soon after we all met at the leadership weekend only a few weeks ago. You guys were in a great position, and with the due launch of the Genie Daily Daily deals, your income would have increased massively. Crazy when people consistently jump between companies. Good leadership filters through the team if the guys at the top stick around. If the whole team stick around, and drives the business forward as one, everybody succeeds ! If leaders jump between 2, or even 3 different companies at a time, the whole team crumbles.
Our leader is thrilled now that he is the number one earner in the world, thanks to you guys switching companies. As a result of his true qualities in leadership, and sustainability within the Genie, this energy filters through the team, which is the reason why it remains that our team consistently remains the fastest growing team on the planet.. Crazy, as you guys were receiving a bonus pay cheque on everything we did !
Anywayr; I wish you and your new team the best in your future endevour/s !!
Steven Aspinall
Like Steven, I am just gob smacked that the Burlings could throw their pole position by such unethical behaviour, but the evidence is in the video guys! It was made quite clear that such blatant cross-pitching would result in termination, not just for small fry but across the board, so they have only themselves to blame. Regarding others jumping on the negative bandwagon, it’s a shame when others that feel threatened by MSG resort to blatant mud-slinging, as it does have an adverse effect on the industry as a whole in the public domain. But before others buy into it by accepting ‘scam’ allegations why don’t they first check with EFDSA on their endorsement of the legality status of MSG..
It always sucks when a company makes promises and doesn’t keep them. Its worse when they act shady and sneaks out the back door like that. Its obvious that they seem to be running something similar to a Ponzi scam and when they couldn’t maintain it, the got out of dodge as my mother used to say.
The good news is there is always another door opening when one is closing.
So to all you distributors that have been misled by ShoppingGenie, you might want to take a look at Ambit Energy as an alternative. The company is solid, its built on and with integrity and it was rated the 2010 #1 fastest growing company in America by Inc. Magazine.
Shame to hear all this bad stuff going on.
As a Global MSG distributor I have found MSG to be a good company.
They are not perfect, but then no company ever is. I do think the product is good, again could be better, but hey it HAS saved me at least £200.
As for income I do earn a residual passive income, again not a fortune, but income is income & it is passive.
You will always hear good & bad of all companies & people, just don’t believe everything you read!
Im sure the only people who know the real truth are the company & the reps that were terminated.
Im sure everyone will be fine in a few months
June 14, 2011
MyNet Holdings, Inc, MyNet Universe, Inc and Subsidiaries
Re: Official Legal Position
MyNet Universe, Inc was recently made aware of and received some concerning emails, one in which the author, “x”, openly and vehemently disparages the Company. The policy of the Company is generally not to address statements which have a signature of “x”; however, after an immediate mode of discovery, the Company is fairly certain of its origination. Likewise, the Company principals normally consider it imprudent to give credibility to such statements; however, after discussing this with our legal team, the Company has chosen to issue the following information in regard to this current matter:
First and foremost, the very statement of content of one of the emails (“received stuff from people here and there, over time, and links to websites explaining details”) directly questions the truth, credibility, and validity of the information. We believe that the author of the email, Kalpesh Patel, has both a personal, self-serving agenda from perhaps trying to build his 3rd new direct sales organization (in the last 120 days) by stealing MyNet Distributors, as well as, a direct motive to bring harm to thousands of distributors worldwide with his statements. After numerous Distributor complaints and reports, Mr. Patel was asked by the Company to verify that he was not “recruiting” MyNet Distributors that were not directly enrolled by him. After a non response and further violations, Mr. Patel, did have his Distributorship suspended. To date, it appears, Mr. Patel’s attack is what he has decided his response would be.
The overwhelming content of the email is untrue, inflammatory, and has no factual basis-and Mr. Patel knows that fact. MyNet’s Master Distributor Bruce Bise has been forthright and has addressed his history with Mr. Patel and many of you have spoken with Bruce also. Neither, Bruce nor any of his family members are account holders or signers of any of the MyNet Bank Accounts, nor have they ever been.
Mr. Patel also is dishonest with his statements about commissions due, and, in fact, was assigned a position by his Enroller that gave his business a great head start in accumulating his MyNet earnings. His commission total for nine months is $119, 814.
In regard to Nancy and Andrew Burling: They are guilty of the same violation (which now is public knowledge). The Burlings became Partners of John Van Duerzan who was assigned a position in the main leg of the Company from its Founders. That assignment assisted the Partnership in averaging $54,000 a month for every month, of the 13 months, they were a part of MyNet Universe.
We find it interesting and disingenuous at best, that both of the Parties in this letter suddenly feel the need to “come clean” after their alleged inappropriate actions were brought into question by the Company. As long, as they were able to cross-sponsor and commit other violations of the Company’s Terms and Conditions, they were happy to receive the commissions from MyNet. Once the company took a position, on behalf of and in an effort to protect its Distributors by enforcing the Company’s Terms and Conditions, which threatened their income, they became willing to throw the Company under the bus by creating a propaganda campaign against us-and against you-jeopardizing your ability to earn income. One might ask, “What amount was the “head hunter” fee they received from their “new” venture?” Unfortunately this is a bad “pattern” in the Direct Sales industry.
The Company takes seriously the actions of these former MyNet Distributors and their intent to disparage the Company and bring harm to all. MyNet Universe, Inc., along with other agencies and entities, is moving forward in a mode of discovery in an attempt to gather all the facts of what its damages are and plans to take legal action to protect its business on behalf of you and of every Distributor.
Prudence tells you that it is easy to play sideline quarterback and criticize the Company through the challenges it has faced during the new management transition. Emails are not considered private speech. When a court finds a person to have libeled another, the court can charge him a fine for each and every time that libelous statement had been “published”, i.e., each time that email was sent, or re-sent-by anyone. The Company has a duty to its shareholders, its employees, and its independent distributors to protect itself against all outside attacks, and it will do so to the fullest extent allowed by law. The Company also has a duty to protect its name, trademarks and business operations from Companies and/or individuals that choose to violate them.
MyNet Executive Team
Wow, that was cold and wrong. Soo sorry to hear that wish you get ur money. With all that experience in MLM and sale you can join the same buz me and my wife are doing.
The GENIE just needs to be honest and PAY UP!
They owed every leader of ours something, a trip they supposedly won, money, its a nightmare.
If they can’t make payroll SHUT THE DOORS.
We raised a big stink and got turfed. And we are the bad guys?
Think what you want, I am more loyal to my friends and network than some half assed MLM.
How can we be dishonest, corrupt and greedy when we have fought for ourselves and our teams commissions
We have been in the Industry since 1989 and I refuse to put up with non payment excuses.
Ask yourselves…
Can you build a Business without getting paid?
Can you build a Business when your people dont get paid?
So, before you judge us, think.
Of course we had a PLAN B. We as leaders are not going to sink financially.
60 weeks of work down the drain, and all because of greed and ego.
WoW, not only is the Limu video dated earlier then your termination date, but Nancy states in the video that she lost 20lbs on the product, how did she do that in zero time? I am shocked how inconsiderate of all of your former downline you are by making false accusations. I had nothing but respect for you, but you know what you did, and I know the date.
13 June 2011 ? Complaints are coming in about selective commissions paid to Distributors. To the WatchDog, this is usually an indicator of a Ponzi-Pyramid meltdown. There are not enough new funds coming in to pay first or large distributors. There has always been debate that the licensed icons My Shopping Genie sold did not return money on shoppers as the company promoted. Editor?s Note: If the signup fee is all that is carrying My Shopping Genie…..the commission payment complaints certainly make sense.
Andrew, Please – anyone who knows that site/post, knows its rubbish, no one put their name to it, but coincidence is its the same date 13 june that you and kalpesh posted on this forum ( again possibly another unplanned coincidence you both sent TED a letter the same day – the last post on that site page was march 2009 – Please Andrew, move on and stop trying to cause problems for the networkers that want to build the genie – you are messing with peoples lives and income – it may be ok for you as a “leader” who can allegedly command sign up fees – you are doing your reputation no good – Focus on building Limu ( a juice company, funny there – You have for the last many months been saying how juice is dead and the internet is the place to be thats why you moved to the genie and that the genie is a LEGAL company, and the best opportunity around) if you have problems with my net deal with it in the appropriate channels, dont air your dirty laundry on public forums – NOT PROFESSIONAL, so far you are the one thats looking stained.
@OH DEAR & ROGER- I know way too much about MSG.
The truth will all come out, and it won’t be much longer.
You are playing with fire. Don’t ever say I didn’t warn you.
This is my last post as YES I AM LIMU!
June 16, 2011
To whom it may concern:
As you may be aware, our personal business integrity is being attacked and questioned, not only by The Shopping Genie Corporate office making false statements, but also by false rumors and personal attacks. Given the public statements being made by The Shopping Genie, we feel it is necessary to set the record straight. Our concerns are two-fold:
– First, The Genie has stated we were terminated for cross-line recruiting. We have asked for proof of these false accusations and they continue to ignore us. We were terminated on June 6, 2011 by email, and we responded to them on June 8, 2011; again, they completely ignored us. And we did not in any way cross-line recruit.
– Second, their comments about ?head hunting fees? are a complete fabrication, a false accusation by The Shopping Genie management team aimed at discrediting us. That issue is being used as a diversion by the company to avoid the real truth of this situation.
Here?s the truth: Beyond any legal and viability concerns we have about The Genie, it is a fact that we have earned commissions that haven?t been paid on time, for some time. In addition, bonuses and contest awards that were also earned by our team have never been paid or awarded. Those are facts.
Given what we had been seeing, we went to the marketplace and did some comparisons across a number of companies. In doing that, we kept coming back to Limu. Why? Here is what convinced us that Limu is a brighter future for us and for our team:
– Commissions: Limu pays weekly and pays quickly on a pay card or through direct deposit. They have a long history of paying on time and in full.
– Management: Limu has world-class management and every Executive in the company has taken a company to at least $100 Million a year and beyond. The owner of Limu was a top networker and income earner for years and is truly a ?Distributor?s CEO?. He gets it and so does his entire staff. Limu also treats their distributors with respect, and is very well staffed and organized for great customer support. We?ve met them all ? we know.
– Product: Limu products are proven and are unique in the market. They have significant real science behind their ingredients, and solid margins and profitability for the company and distributors.
– Credibility in the market: Limu is a long-time member of the DSA, and has been debt free and profitable from day one. We have no doubt they will still be here in 20+ years.
– Overall Pay Plan: Limu has a very lucrative and unique cutting-edge pay plan that rewards everyone, from the new person all the way up to the top leaders through its Fast Track options. Bonuses are paid on time and in full.
After careful consideration of those factors, we have made a decision to join Limu. We feel it is a long term home because they really do have the complete package. Our intention is to build a long term business with Limu and we have no intention of raiding our Genie team. We have never operated that way in the past and never will ? that is why we have had solid relationships in this industry dating back 20 years. For those that want to continue in The Genie, we wish you well.
The bottom line is that we know we have a brighter future with a rock-solid company like Limu. Our reputation is worth more to us than a 6-figure residual income ? it is built on trust. We are leaders and have always worked to assure that our entire team will be well taken care; they depend on us to make the best choices for all of us.
Limu realizes and fulfills its responsibilities of paying people on time and accurately, delivering well branded unique products that are flawless, providing customer support for its field force, and delivering on the promises they make. This is why we are willing to walk away from a residual income of significant size, knowing our team will be treated well by the Limu family and can build with confidence, never again wondering if they will get paid for their hard work and commitment.
Nancy & Andrew Burling
if you ask me they are all out just to look after number one mlm has a bad name as it is with all these companies from the us coming and going that’s all they are doing is making it even more bad. how there’s people can sleep at night amazes me that’s all they do is get paid a big fee thy do this twice a yr nice little earner they don’t care about you or me and as for these so called leaders lol well thy cud not put a lead on a dog and you all no who they are do you see the magic lol
Whatever we do we should draw a line between a pyramid and real MLM business, just hope this negative news is not killing our industry the more. If you look closely, leaders are sometimes as guilty as the company executives.
All the best guys!
How does airing dirty laundry in public help our industry?
Simple answer Don’t join LIMU or MSG as the ethics of both Companies and their top distributors seem questionable.
Nancys post is clearly a cross pitch aimed at MSG distributors and others reading this post and should be deleted Ted imho
My website is .
Andrew and Nancy, Move On!!
So are the rumors from abroad true, is the big scatter on.