Ken Porter Monavie Top Earner Interview

Ken Porter Monavie

True happiness always comes from serving others – Ken Porter

Ken and Carol Porter are the Nr. 1 Top Earners – Imperial Black Diamonds – in MonaVie and very high ranked in the Hall Of Fame. MonaVie burst onto the scene in 2005 and has quickly become one of the leaders in the health and wellness industry. Estimated Sales Revenue for MonaVie in 2010 $600 million.

Ken and Carol made $27+ million with their distributorship as of april 2012. In Ken and Carol's group – are very successful leaders: Brig Hart, Orrin Woodward, Gina and Steve Merrit, Onyx Coale and many others.

Ken and Carol have over 3 million distributors and customers who have enrolled in their organization, with a strong presence in the USA, Asia and Europe. There has been well over $2 billion in sales flow through their organization as a result of Ken and Carol's decision to support Dallin Larsen's startup in 2004.

Who are Ken and Carol Porter and how did they manage to be so massively successful? Ted Nuyten had the honour to interview Ken Porter.

Ken has been married to Carol for over 26 years. They have 2 sons, Braendon and Jaxon, and 5 daughters, Madi, Mahala, Taryn, Jayden and  Kiersten. They live in beautiful St George, Utah – USA.

Their Direct Selling Philosophy: “If you love people—and you better because this is a people business—then, you will never be fully satisfied with only your family’s success. You genuinely want other people to experience what you have. It’s a big part of what makes this business awesome. If it were only money that we gained, this would be a waste of time. True happiness always comes from serving others.”

Ken and Carol Porter Monavie Bonus Cheque Ken and Carol Porter Monavie Plane
Ken and Carol Porter receiving a $600,000 Bonus Check Flying out with the family


  • Ken, how did you got involved in the world of Network Marketing?

    In the late 80’s I was working as a stockbroker with over 1,000 clients. I was living a good life, but one day I went to work only to find the doors locked. The company I worked for went out of business. I needed to replace my income – and fast. Some of my former clients were distributors in Nu Skin and what I noticed they had time freedom and a much better lifestyle when compared to my other wealthy clients. I desperately wanted their lifestyle.

    However, I was too proud to ask my former clients to sponsor me, so I called the Nu Skin head office directly. They put me in contact with a random lady who signed me up over the phone. After a couple of weeks she was not longer involved and I was left in the dust. I went to the roller coaster going emotionally up and down trying to figure out how to make this business work. I knew I wanted a better life, so each time I failed I just learned from the experience, dusted myself off and went back to work.

    I had too much pride

    I decided to join a company called Rexall (Nowadays Unicity) worked very hard and became a Top distributor. After four years in MLM, I began to feel that many of my challenges came directly from the dynamics at play as a result of Break-A-Way compensation plans. I decided to join USANA in 1991 primarily because of their compensation structure. Oh what a difference it made.

    The same amount of work, but for the first time my efforts began to add up to something exciting. After many, many 80-hour work weeks of building, we had finally achieved life changing residual income. Life would never be the same… thank goodness.  Carol and I are still getting USANA residual income for the work we did 20 years ago. We’re proof positive that the MLM business model pays out..

    We all follow someone. Who we follow determines where we end up.

    Most distributors join the wrong companies. A company’s ability to be around for the long haul is the single most important thing. Does the leader have a PROVEN track record at growing an MLM from small to large. If not, you may do everything right and have your company disappear along with all your efforts and hard work. We joined MonaVie for one reason… We knew Dallin Larsen, the owner of MonaVie, was as good at what he needed to do as we were at what we needed to do! That being the case MonaVie and Carol and I were all guaranteed to have a positive outcome. 

    Do you know how many 20+ year MLM veterans I know who have made money with many startup companies, but have no lasting residual income to show for their efforts? Believe me, making temporary money is NOT a reason to do Network Marketing. There are far easier and more efficient ways to make a fast dollar. This business is all about building something permanent. Something built to last for generations. I’m not a gambler. I had to be sure the company could do their part before committing to one. Just a good product is not enough. Great products are abundant in MLM. Great companies are not!

    Why were we so sure of MonaVie? Because the founder of MonaVie, Dallin Larsen was the Marketing Director for USANA, and had helped them achieve great success, so when he embarked on building MonaVie in 2004 I was positive it was going to be a great opportunity. He had already been successful at growing an MLM startup into a large company. I knew he had the talent, vision, skills and understanding to succeed.

    • Two very successful leaders in your organisation are Brig Hart and Orrin Woodward who you personally enrolled. How where you able to sign them up? Did you knew Brig Hart and Orrin Woodward already before you enrolled them?

    Nurture and develop relations

    No, I did not know them personally, but as I am a firm believer in nurturing and developing relationships, I always know somebody who knows somebody who knows somebody. Both Brig and Orrin came through unlikely sources that made the mutual introductions. It was a result of my strategy to maintain great relations with successful people in and outside the MLM world.

    Even if key leaders in MLM are not in MonaVie, I still develop relationships with them. You cannot have 500 relationships with skilled networkers and not become one of them. I don’t work very hard on recruiting, but I work incredibly hard at developing good relationships with like-minded professional networkers. Those warm relationships naturally develop into friendships and sometimes even lifelong partnerships..

    Ken Porter Monavie in Brazil Ken Porter in Japan for his Monavie Business
    Travelling in Brazil for the MORE Project Ken Porter in Japan for his Monavie Business



    • Who are you Hero's in MLM?

    Jim Rohn, Richard B. Brooke (21Ten), Richard Haugon, Rich DeVos and Jay van Andel (Amway) , Mark Hughes (Herbalife) and Dallin Larsen (MonaVie). I have invested well over 10,000 hours in reading, personal development and relationship development all geared towards success in MLM. The most knowledgeable person builds a better, stronger business.

    I believe personal development is an important key in having success in MLM. I spend freely on knowledge and personal development but sparingly on business tools. Most of my business has been built with a mobile phone, email, Skype and a yellow pad and pen when in person. Do what you can afford, spend your money wise. Don’t spend a fortune giving product and marketing material away and expect your prospects to call you.  Instead of just selling products, nurture relationships that matter. Friends do what friends do. This business can be easy or hard. I choose easy. I wasted 4 years trying to build this business on my own the hard way.

    Find a mentor who has what you want and follow him or her to the finish line.

    Poor People Invest In Products, I invest In Relationships

    Many years ago, Jon Huntsman Sr. a USA billionaire taught me a lesson when I had a meeting with him when I was Stock broker: He said: I don’t invest in products, I invest in people. It took me 10 years to understand his statement, but I have found it to be true. My security in the marketplace is all contained in my trusted relationships! And that creates true inherent value because no other person or company has the ability to diminish or destroy that. The wealthiest people in all occupations are network builders.

    Searching for the acai origin in the Amazon rain forest:

    Ken and Carol are strong supporters of the MORE Project. The MORE Project seeks to change lives and restore families living in poverty in Brazil. MORE adheres to a philosophy of love and compassion to support those whom society has left behind.

    Find Ken and Carol on Facebook here


    About Monavie's compensation plan:

    A binary compensation plan. As a MonaVie independent distributor, you are an entrepreneur who, from day one, has a distinguished research and development team, a product that everyone can benefit from, a fully staffed sales and marketing team, and a friendly customer support staff dedicated to your success. MonaVie offers an innovative and dynamic compensation plan in the direct selling industry, with 10 ways to earn income and 50% of the sales volume paid out in distributor commissions.

    Become a Recommended Distributor

    Direct Selling Distributors, they are active professionals, who love to team up with you!

    Comments (19)

    1. Thank you for the mention Ken. I am honored. To Dallin Larsens’s leadership….I made a run at bringing him as a partner in Oxyfresh after he left Usana. I knew if I could attract him, he would help us skate to the moon! He had a different vision….The Big M…Congratulations to both of you!

    2. Melyn and I have big very fortunate to know Ken Porter over the last 20 years and appreciate our friendship together. We were so glad to have him in our downline at Rexall Showcase International. What a great individual and good friend. He is correct about the principal of relationship building and is one of the most ethical distributors that we have ever met. A true ambassador to our industry. Congrats Ken and Carol !!

    3. Hi,
      Thanks so much for this interview with Ken Porter. I am one of the leaders in The Trump Network. We are about to go global and the ideas expressed by Ken are invaluable.
      Investing in relationships inside and out side of MLM with successful people is obvious but helpful to hear from his perspective.
      I have recently decided that we should buy all the products we can from fellow MLM distributers. if I can get a mop and a broom from an MLM business person, why go to the store? If we all buy from each other the industry will continue to thrive and help people create financial security and prosperity.
      Great article.

    4. I love Ken’s philosophy. All this internet marketing stuff (I have been an online marketer since 2006) can distract us and dilute our focus. The reality is that all we need to do is focus on the main game – building relationships. Ken’s clarity of thought on this matter is illuminating and will help me get back to the basics, once again

      Thanks for bringing this story to us,Ted

    5. Ola Keving Barry!! Posso increve-lo, sei que estou no Brasil, segundo país na expansão da Monavie internacional, sou da linha do Ken & Carol, através do Steve Merreti e Brig Hart, tenho certeza que fará grande negócio, pois estamos crescendo muito aqui e com o apoio deles lhe traa sucesso.

      Não sei se posso escrever o que escrvi no site do Ted, porem esta pedindo um id, disponibilizo o meu.

      Felicidades a todos com ótimos relacionamentos como estou tendo agora.

    6. Ken is a great leader. Great story Ted. As a Monavie Black Diamond, I know what it means to focus on building relationships rather than just throwing our product and tools. I have built businesses around the world with Monavie and the relationships are what keep me paid every week and are what keep me getting contacts from every continent. I love Monavie and will be here for LIFE.
      Calvin Becerra
      Monavie Black Diamond Executive

    7. Hi, Kevin Barry……I can call you concerning your development about the Monavie business…..I´m attached to very successful persons in the U.S. including the youngest Black Diamond within the company……just send me an email, ok? [email protected] Cheers!

    8. Conrad Padilla, Monavie Hawaiian Blue Diamond and Monavie Millionaire Club Member. Ken Porter said to me in Japan at the Monavie launch that if you want to be in this business long term than always focus on people that you want to invest time in . Because in the long run its about the people you surround yourself with. You decide who comes in your business.

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