Leaving Comments On Blogs Is Gold For Your Own Website

Do Not Leave Money On The Table,
Leave Comments On Blogs And Place Your Own Link!
It Takes Only A Couple Of Minutes…
There is no doubt that building backlinks to your blog or (replicated) website is the best way to improve your website's search engine optimization and gain traffic. There are a number of ways to get quality backlinks and one of the most practiced but least understood ways is the practice of leaving comments on blogs.
If done the right way, posting comments on blog posts is a great way to get high quality targeted links to your website. Most of us believe that to be true. Just about all blogs allow you to include a link to your website in the comment form thus giving you a backlink.
Tip 1. Never forget to put your website link in!
Maybe an open door, but I noticed on www.businessforhome.org hundreds of people leave comments without their link. A waste of time…
Fill the – LEAVE A COMMENT BOX – in like this:
Tip 2. Be positive!
Tip 3. Do not be a spammer
A big thing to keep in mind is to make sure you do not appear as a spammer. This is because most likely your comment will be deleted along with your time, effort and link. When leaving a comment make sure it is relevant and offers something productive. This will ensure your comment sticks thus ensuring your link does as well.
Tip 4. Leave a lengthy comment
Also don't be afraid of leaving a lengthy comment that has your key word or phase lightly sprinkled though out it. I have on more than one occasion found that one of my comments have turned up in the search results. This doesn't necessarily increase the value of your link but does increase your links exposure to more potential visitors.
Tip 5. Find High Authority website's
It may seem that all you have to do is leave some great comments and include your link and presto you have hundreds of backlinks. Not true. The reason is you must be selective on which blogs you leave comments on. High authority websites are websites that are trusted by Google. Good back-links to your website from High Authority websites are crucial if you want to get high search engine rankings and traffic. In the Direct Selling world www.businessforhome.org is such a website as www.rayhigdon.com.
Tip 6. Do not place your link in the comment box!
Never place your link in the comment box, only in the Website field (see above picture). If you place your link in the comment box, anti-spam software will block your comment.
Tip 7. Comment often
Without spamming, comment often until you make the list of top commentors. This is excellent because your link will appear on the front page of the blog which is normally the highest ranking page meaning a lot more weight is given to that backlink. The bonus is that the top commentors list is in the sidebar which is shown on every page of the blog thus giving you potentially hundreds of backlinks. Find a couple of these in your niche and you are golden!
I have found that most times I only need to leave about five to seven comments to make the list. These blogs are you money makers so you should visit and comment often. You will be amazed at the amount of traffic these blogs will generate for you as well as increase your rankings in the search engines. This is crucial To Make Money On-Line Fast.
Comments (50)
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On the Business For Home website there are about 6,500 comments. About 30% of the commentors did not place his/her own link. I have spoken several TOP Earners who got “sign ups” because those prospects found them as a result of the comments. So never, ever forget to place your link….
Leaving comment on website is best method to interact with visitor online. It is very useful to generate traffic on your site interesting blog helps to keep visitor busy online for long time and also bring him back on site. Secondly building back link also very helpful to connect new visitors to your website.
Hio ted, always learning a lot from your website! Just launched my own website https://www.wilcare.info and i know your tips will help me get better results.Keep up the good work! greetings, #wiltakecare
That info is great, especially as I had understood ranking of company “replicated” sites were not ranked. Guess I had wrong info, or didn’t understand in the first place. Thank you for the information.
Hi Ron, You did not put your link in….
Yes good comments do work, but the example given is not a good example, despite the comment is positive it provides no value to the author’s post or website so why author approve such comment? If you want your comment to be approved enter the conversation, tru to to add value to the conversation, then you can be sure your comment will be approved. Also if you want to attract comments try not to use captures 😉 Or at least make them no harder than on this site 🙂
Ted, your site and industry resources have given me a HUGE advantage in recruiting new prospects to our industry. It raises their belief that people are having success in MLM, Earning Lifestyle Incomes for their HARD/SMART work…
Thanks for all that you do.
P.S. How does a Top Income Earner get listed on your site? I’d like to see my Sponsor’s from the TNI MADTEAM listed.
This is one great emails it has so much great info on it, I check it out all the time but have never left a comment.
Thie is one great email I receive I check it out all the time but have never left a comment.
As you do best providing us with useful information. Thanks again
Great information and just another great tip to help people succeed online… Thanks!
About replicated websites; very difficult to get those sites ranked in the search engines, but if you comment and you put your replicated website link in, people will check you out because of their curiosity. So that is an other reasons to put always your link in….
Congratulations on the information, you are marketing a reference!
For years, I do network marketing, only now has come the right company!
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Ted, thanks for the mail, I’m new here, but I like it here.Any information here is worth gold.Karel
Thanks Ted, very valuable, useful and top of recommendations from you.
Great information. I too was under the impression that replicated sites do not really attract a lot of search engine “love”. I usually try to drive traffic to my blog site first though as I have numerous ways of capturing the interest and getting them to our replicated site. I use a redirect from a domain that I have to the duplicated site. Would that affect back links or help? Thanks for the information!
Michael Lindsay
Thanks for the Article! Great info that I know will help a lot of folks! Thanks again!
Hi, Ted. Wonderful article. In general I am very pleased with this site. And you can see how it’s improving. Is not limited to ratings and numbers, but give tons of useful information! In particular, as this article. On the one hand about a nuance of site promotion, I know, but the fact that it can also be used to increase the flow of leads on my replicated website somehow did not even think 🙂 And when there is a well knowledgeable and experienced people who can tell if you do not notice something important. Thank you. Sincerely Ildar Bakaev.
Thanks Ted! A very useful and timely information!
We just discussed the issues of increasing traffic to your website! Thank you very much!
Ted your site is one of the greatest thing since skippy penut butter,THE BEST.
jim watts kcmo
Hi Ted, thanks for the article. Great tips and great information to help people succeed online?
I am very pleased with his reporting, I have a 2 year membership. Keep it coming , love the stats, one can derive a lot of information and planning for their own growth.
Thanks Ted
Hi Ted
How can I resist such a compelling article!
I am so impressed with network marketers from countries where English isn’t spoken who still leave comments in English. Bravo guys!
Unfortunately I have had 2 blog crashes in last 6 months, one where it disappeared and another where it was hacked 🙁
So thanks for inviting us to leave a replicated link mate!
All the best
Thanks Ted. I am going to implement your backlink strategy. I know people will benefit from receiving the information provided by my website. Buying gold and silver directly from the mint at wholesale prices will provide financial security in the future for the families that choose to participate as an American Gold Reserve customer and/or affiliate.
Great article. creating back links for your business is a no brainer, and is essential for any business
Thanks Ted, as always great information.
Very usefyl tip.Thanks Ted.
Thank You So Much For The Useful Tips. I Really Appreciate It.
Thank you for the continued training. It is simple yet profound. Bless you Ted.
Good post. And it gives the benefit to both sides. The more comments there are on a blog, the better the ranking.
Thank you for this information. So, while supping on my first cup of OG coffee for the day, I will commence to practice what I have learned. The industry of network marketing is so powerful.
Hi Ted,
Thank you for all you do! In a busy day, I don’t always have time to read all the email and blogs that come in….but I always make sure to open yours! You give such useful tips and information without a lot of sales talk. You truly understand the meaning of ‘givers gain’.
Although I like to learn about other companies out there, and what’s happening in the industry, I especially enjoy seeing the top earners in my company consistently make your lists! 🙂
Thanks again!
My first email with an awesome tip on leads and prospects! We really appreciate it. As new business owners we can use all the help with great tips and know-hows to launch us forward with our OG products. Thanks again. Look forward to more content from you. Hope I didn’t post twice in a row. 🙂
Thanks very much Ted. You are a jewel. I have used the practice of commenting to a small degree, but your very first words rekindled an ember in me. I haven’t been consistent. Thank you for your dedication to the industry and I am happy I took advantage of the discounted membership. It’s like silver and gold. With your aggregate information site, I will be able to share successes that I can back up in the MLM front and promote its worthiness. I truly believe this industry is on the rise to becoming a movement rather than a hit and miss affair. Proof of successes is great to have at the fingertips. Thanks again!
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I actually was going to mention a thing that try to do before I push the submit button: PROOF READ twice! It’s like measuring twice before cutting 🙂
Great job in giving out these tips. I love the way you make so simple.
I found out the same about people not leaving their info. Most people forget even the basics. It only takes a moment and the payoff is tremendous.
As a top leader in Numis, i found that people with very limited Internet skills can always just comment or leave a quick note. Even if they would leave their company’s replicated website address, they will be better of!
Again, tks,
Really have learn a lot from your information. Your information has put me in touch with the industry outside my organisation. I can feel and experience transformation. The best to you and your staff,the very best.
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I was referred to your site by a friend. This is great stuff! Only been here a few minutes and already learned some helpful tips.
Great advice Ted. Doesn’t take long & its mutually beneficial.
I am very thankful for my friend who referred me on this website. I just learned so many things in Internet marketing. As a newbie this site is very useful to me.
OK Ted, let`s try your advice. Think it is a very good idea.
Thanx Ted, I would never ever forget to place my website link!!!
I’ve never been one to leave comments on blogs/conversations. I think it’s time to change my thinking. I have been following you site for about 6 months now and I am always impressed with the value of the information you provide. Thank you for all that you do.
Thanks for posting! I too try to post comments, and it took my Alexa rating from 3 million to Almost 600K now. Traffic is up, which means more leads. A blog is a work in progress…trial and error. Thanks for the tip however, and further confirmation that it works. Have a great week!
This such good info for anyone wanting more traffic. And we all want more traffic …right. Thanks again.
This is really useful tip. And i have started following also 🙂
Thank you for the tips. I am new to all this online marketing stuff and it is blogs like yours that are allowing me to find my way. Thanks again.
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Very useful information that every internet marketer need to aware. Thanks