The Secret To Recruiting?

What I have noticed in the amazing Direct Selling Industry and I have discussed this over and over with Top Earners, is that many (new) distributors are struggling with recruitment.
The main reason is that many people are pushing their opportunity, product or service offering to much. Nobody likes product pushers. You first have to build a relation with a prospect. You first have to build LIKE and TRUST .
This separates the big Top Earners from those people who are struggling. This separates successful business people from people who bail out. Whether it is traditional business, Direct Selling or Internet Marketing.
Think back to the last time you worked with a salesperson, company representative or counter person that you didn't like. Did you actually buy from them? Did you team up?
People need to Know, Like and Trust you to do business with you!
Take a good, hard look at how you’re building your know, like and trust factor. This is a foundational piece that has to be working for you if you want to take your Direct Selling business to the next level.
This is where it starts. This step is all about visibility. Before you can even think about selling to someone, or sign up, they first need to know you exist. You need to be on their radar. Seems straightforward, but for many distributors, getting visible is one of their primary challenges.
If you don’t have a community – build one. There are a million ways to do this – even for the introverts out there. Here are a few ideas:
- Attend targeted networking events.
- Jump onto online forums, Facebook and start friendly conversations. (Do not push your product..)
- Comment on blog posts that complement your business message.
- Create a killer opt-in on your website so you start converting web visitors into subscribers and then start talking to them.
- Blog regularly – takes some time, but it’s a great way to build visibility.
- Speak at a local event.
- Hold or attend a Tweet-Up in your city. (Build Local – Grow Global)
The goal is NOT to get everyone to like you. If you do, chances are good your message is weak. If everyone likes you, then you’re trying to market to everyone – which is basically like marketing to no one. You need to know EXACTLY who you are speaking to every time you sit down to write. Write to just one person – not everyone.
Basically, it’s the idea that the most effective personality-based brands create. People either love them or hate them. The people that love them, REALLY, really love them. And the people that hate them, well, who cares – they were never the right fit anyway.
To get them to love you – there’s just one thing you need to do. Be yourself. – That’s really it. It’s about creating a powerful personal brand that gets remembered – and that only happens when we are 100% true to who we are.
People buy (and sign) up from people they trust. And getting someone to trust you is more than just knowing you and liking you. Those are critical first steps – but if you really want to create a Direct Selling business where people buy from you again and again, you need them to trust you implicitly.
This comes down to the basic principles of a great personal brand:
- Consistency – Be consistent with everything you do. Your users/subscribers/visitors/prospects should have a similar experience with you every single time (think Starbucks)
- Congruency – Make it all work together. If your website is pink, frilly and girly but in person you’re very conservative, people are going to say, “WTF? This doesn’t make sense – I don’t trust this.”
- Clarity – When people meet you (in-person, online etc.) they should immediately get a sense of what you’re all about and what business you’re in. If not, you’ll lose them fast.
- Communicate – This goes back to the “know” factor. You have to communicate, communicate, communicate! Focus on letting people know what you do. Strive to find at least 1-3 people a day that you can tell about your business opportunity.
- Compelling – Make your message really interesting, informative and inspiring and you’re gold
- Constant – You can’t build the know, like and trust factor if you are around one minute and gone the next. Strive for regular, ongoing communication vs. short bursts.
Comments (5)
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Very helpful information. Thanks for all that you are doing.
William Perry
Great article Ted!!….. as they say people join people not opportunities.
Thanks for your work! Great article !
Life is Beautiful!
Thanks for the great tips. I absolutely agree with you. People love to do business with people they know, like and trust. This is a relationship building business and we must work on nurturing those relationships with people before they even become customers. Selling with the product or business opportunity upfront does not go very far. I think being able to brand yourself and the ability to stand out definitely helps attract more customers and more recruits. Thanks for sharing.
It all start with a thought.My thought is to know that I get great information from this site. I am located in kcmo away from my core team 0001000 ATL. So the information I get from you Ted helps me to fill in the gaps.Industrys current affairs are very important in doing Biz.
I will and have encourage my associate and team members to get plug into your website.
The road to success is always under construction!!!!!!!