MLM Startup’s What Are The Most Promising?

What are the best Start Up's to work with in 2012?
Business For Home is looking for most promising MLM – Network Marketing Start Up's. A Start-Up is a company founded/ pre-launching in 2011 – 2012.
Please leave a comment or nomination below.
Please put in facts and figures, not hype.
For a Nomination we need:
1. Corporate website
2. CEO or founder
3. Master distributor or Field Leader
4. The reason for the nomination.
A provisionally list:
Below list is in alphabetical order the number is NOT a ranking
Rank Nr. Company Country CEO Leadership Website Why? 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 12
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For the first time in many years, I am finally excited about being a full time networker. I no longer have to compete, or play the – my product is better than your product game. I no longer have to sell products or services to my family and friends, and I have a global market! is already poised to become the number one health and beauty destination on the web. Founded by some of America’s most successful business and marketing leaders, Minerva brings together renowned physicians and scientists in the fields of health and nutrition and supports them with the country’s most accomplished writers, graphic artists and film and video producers to provide visitors with smart content related to weight management, fitness and wellness, as well as beauty, style and fashion.
LifeSpan is in “PRELAUNCH.” The founder and CEO is Nick Mangeris. He founded Freedom Concepts in Hong Kong, Kaire International, TurningPoint, NuLife in Hong Kong and has consulted for over a dozen companies STILL in business. His compensation programs pay very well. His products ARE what they say they ARE! What’s on the label IS in the Bottle! Nick is not about hype. He is about success for the field. He began FULL TIME in Network Marketing in 1979. Was a Leader in Forever Living and became a Senior VP. Was Entrapreaneur of the year, cover of Success magazine and received countless awards from the Boy Scouts of America, D.A.R.E., Feed the Children, Children of Chernobyl and numerous charitable organizations. His resume is straight out of Who’s Who!
I was recently introduced to the BodHD products and ordered them for the health benefits. After attending my first meeting discovered this is going to be a great home based business. Phoenix has a great support system.
1. Corporate website
2. CEO or founder
Sandra Trevisan
3. Master distributor or Field Leader
Giacomo Bugini
4. The reason for the nomination.
New top Network marketing, start in italy, in future to rest of the world..
I understand that the health and wellness field is huge, but this listing is unique in that is for a company in the energy field. The company is Independence Energy Alliance, Co-founder and President, Jeffrey Meiler. The parent company is NRG Energy, is the 5th largest energy producer in North America and the number 1 producer of renewable energy. Warren Buffet just purchased a 49 % stake of an NRG solar project and is putting is money were his mouth is. Warren Buffett said: ?Find an idea whose time has come, position yourself in front of it, and be the first to tell the world about it.? ?Here?s that ?idea????the greatest transfer of wealth in the history of America will be due to the DE-REGULATION OF ENERGY.? ?Again, these are words from Warren Buffett, multi-billionaire. Look, this is a ground floor opportunity in a new company which just launched in the fall of 2011 and is positioned to take over this sector of the industry. NRG understands the power of MLM and if you understand the power MLM and want to know more about this please feel free to email me.
1. Corporate website
2. CEO or founder
Vincenzo Di Rocco
3. Master distributor or Field Leader
Nicandro Matteo
4. The reason for the nomination.
Quality and unique products for body care. Start in Italy on November. In the next future in the rest of the world.