MonaVie $50,000+ Rank Advancement Bonus In Europe
MonaVie Europe just completed a successful convention in Paris this past weekend. 2,500 attended from more than a dozen EU nations.
At the Paris Vision convention the company introduced RVL, the meal replacement and weight management program.
Randy Schroeder (Photo), President of Mona Vie Europe, Middle East and Africa, who was a Black Diamond, and has been in the Direct Selling industry for 25 years, with a track record of $30 Million in life time earnings, attended the convention.
MonaVie recognized the first European Black Diamonds.
$50,000 rank advancement bonus for Francisco Nunes (Left) and Bruno Grillo (Right) for hitting the Black Diamond Pin Level.
$27,500 for Alexander Herr for hitting Purple.
Comments (7)
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Way to go MonaVie Europe!!! The best is yet to come! One of my friends lost almost 100 lbs on RVL after not having success for 25 years with weight loss. She ditched the diet and used RVL as a meal replacement – it really works – watch out your business will really grow now!
I love my European teams!!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! They have worked so hard to get here. When you perfect the 4 income generating activities, only good things will come.
We’re just copying you! 🙂
Grand Master!
27500 USD – Wenn Du diese auch haben willst – einfach melden 😉 Skype: oder +49-178-7475955 – By the way – In den 2 Wochen waren es auch noch so nebenbei über 22000 USD Provision zusätzlich 😉
27500 USD – If you also want to get them as Bonus – Just call me 😉 Skype: or +49-178-7475955 – By the way – In this two weeks it was also in addition more thenm 22000 USD commission 😉
Super Leistung, Alex!
Weiter so….!!!! 🙂
Grüße aus Palma de Mallorca,
Max De
It’s time to Monavie in Europe and Russia-our experience for you! If you have dreams, we are ready to help you implement them with Monavie!!! skype: stalker5419
Jeder kann bei uns erfolgreich werden, wie auch alle, die vorher hier geschrieben haben, haben es bewiesen. es gibt 1000 von uns weltweit ein tolles Leben führen auf der Sonnenseite des Lebens. Sei dabei starte durch. —— Skype: davidmaurice2004 Tel:+49-151-10099990
Anyone can be successful with us, as well as those who have previously written here have proved it. There are 1000 of us around the world live a great life on the sunny side of life. Let it run through. —— Skype: davidmaurice2004 Tel: +49-151-10099990
Herkes bizimle birlikte ba?ar?l? olabilir, hem de daha önce burada yaz?l? olanlar?n bunu kan?tlam??t?r. Bizen 1000 den fazla dünya çap?nda vard?r hayat?n güne? Tarifinda yasayan . —— Skype: davidmaurice2004 Tel: +49-151-10099990