Nick Sarnicola – ViSalus Top Earner Interview

Nick Sarnicola together with his wife Ashley, are the Nr. 1 Top earners in ViSalus. They are living in Florida, USA. Estimated earnings $221,000 per month and high ranked in the Hall of Fame.
He is a veteran of network marketing having been involved with the industry for a decade. Nick co-founded ViSalus in 2005 and served as the company’s Chief Sales Officer until January 2010. He resigned as Chief Sales Officer and enrolled as a Body by Vi Challenge Promoter, moving up the ranks like anybody else new to the Challenge.
Nick built only one sales distribution channels in those ten years and became a multi-millionaire by the time he was in his mid-twenties.
With homes in places like South Beach and Grand Rapids, he travels North America supporting his team. He stars, along with 5 other members of Visalus, in “The Pyramid Thing,” a reality series, and is the author of “Arrive by 25: What Your Parents & Professors Don’t Know About Money.”
His favorite quatation: Dont have a wishbone where a backbone ought to be. Ted Nuyten had the honur to interview Nick.
Nick, how and by whom where you introduced in the world of Network Marketing and why where you interested in the business model?
I was introduced at the age of 18 by a stranger while working at the mall making $5.50 per hour. I had NO CLUE what Network Marketing was, but I knew I wanted to be “rich one day,” so Networking seemed to be a great way to do that.
How did you got involved into ViSalus, you are founder and shareholder?
I got involved in Visalus by creating it. The company I was #1 in went out of business. I called Blake Mallen (Visalus current CMO) who was my top leader in my team and explained to him that there were no checks coming next week.
Our team not getting paid was not an option for us so we bought the assets of that company and created Visalus as Co-founders. We met Ryan Blair and immediately added him as the 3rd Founder and CEO of ViSalus. All three of us are Founders and shareholders.
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Fun in Thailand | More Fun in Dubai |
Some people might be a litte confused, as you are both in the field active as distributor as having a corporate role as Chief Sales Officer, how do you combinate this?
Yes, it's a bit confusing because I am a Founder, who resigned his corporate management role and started again as a distributor. So now I am a Founder who is now a top field leader in his own company, but I do not have a management role in the company anymore.
The most entertaining part is many leaders from other companies think I was placed ABOVE the existing team in Visalus when I went into the field. And though I believed I should have been because it was my original team, I actually was NOT allowed to.
This meant I built my team in 24 months to 35 million/month in sales (December’s number) with 80% of everyone I knew already in the company and now my competition. Bottom line…no you don't need anyone “placed under you,” just go build it.
How did ViSalus got in contact with Blyth, why was this public company interested to invest in ViSalus?
Blyth is owned by the Goergen family who is a top business family in the world. They were investors in Ryan’s last company which they were very pleased with its’ return on investment. When we brought Ryan aboard Visalus, he immediately reached out to them.
Todd Goergen believed in us first putting a few million into us. When we become big enough, Blyth saw it as a good company for them to own as well.
Which moments in your life were decisive for you?
That's easy: Going “all-in’ and joining Network Marketing, going “all-in” and creating Visalus when the company failed that I was in, going “all-in” again and putting every dollar I had back into Visalus when it was failing, resigning my corporate role and going “all-in” into the field, going “all-in” again by taking my life savings and becoming the second largest shareholders with Blake and Ryan in Blyth next to the Goergen family 3 months ago, and lastly going “all-in” and marrying my wife Ashley.
Were do you see your strengths?
Going “all-in”!
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South Africa | South Africa |
How large is your team / downline?
My team has 80,000 ACTIVE promoters (active is all that matters gang), 25,000 people getting FREE product, 8,000 BMW qualifiers making an average of $1800/month, and 600 families making a 6 and 7 figure/year income. That's our team, the company’s number are much higher.
How important is social media for Visalus?
As important as any other aspect of the business. I laugh when the competition says, “that company is ran by kids.” Yes….and kids dominate social media and social media is where the eyeballs are at. Facebook is ran by “kids,” as is “Google,” as is “Zappos,” as is “Youtube.” So, I take that as a compliment now!
Would you describe to us your way of working?
Paradoxically. Or perhaps balanced? Non-stop work with non-stop travel and fun. In your face and challenging you to grow yet always joking and making fun. Aggressively yet safe and well planned. Confidently but not arrogantly. Ill never ask someone to do anything I wont do myself.
Nothing worse that a leader who doesn't walk the talk. And above all else, honestly and authentically. I always try to do whats right and tell the truth – and if I mess up as I always will, I apologize and make it right.
Nick's Team Members, among many others
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Kyle Pacetti | Jason O'Toole | Mike Craig | Tim and Holley Kirkland |
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Frank Varon and Lori Petrilli | Tara Wilson | Tanis MacDonald | Tony and Rhonda Lucero |
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Rachel Jackson | Aaron Fortner | Jason Silverthorn | Ron Pruett |
Do you have a tip for the average distributor?
Have big dreams, work your ass off, have fun, and NEVER believe someone who tells you it isn’t possible.
What wishes, goals and plans do you have for the future?
Become the 1st MLM in history to ever do a billion dollars in product sales in the US and Canada only in 12 months time. Open up a few countries. Have a baby next year.
Comments (22)
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Nick and Ashley – Congratulations on your Promotion to Global Ambassadors. Thank you for leading by example and setting the Pace for the team!
Yesterday I was having a conversation with my mom telling her how happy i would be to soon quit my job as a bartender and not be out late everynite, missing weekend get togethers etc! She says to me “Honey have you thought about what you might want to do?” well yes mom, I am going to do my Visalus….”no honey, i meant for a real job……………..your article is a perfect read this morning!!!! Thank you for you have given to those of us able to see a vision outside of the box!
I always felt like something was missing in my life. I have 3 beautiful children with wonderful families and careers and I know that in itsself is an accomplishment. But still something was missing. I went back to college and got my degrees but still something was missing. I traveled with a gospel group and sang for several years but still something was missing, I write songs and music I have had some published and recorded but still something was missing. I owned my own company for many years but still something was missing. Visalus found me , I did not find it , I know it come to me as a blessing in my life and I finally feel complete for the first time in my life. I know this is the something that was always missing. Thank you Nick and all the people in this company for making it possible to belong to the Visalus team.
I just want to say Thanks!!! Thanks so much for being the person you are in leading this company as fast and as strong as it is. I’m just coming up to being involved with Visalus almost a year now. Who would have thought it would have not only helped me, but my family and everyone around us so much. To think it was this that got me going. The 90 Day Challenge!!! I can do that!!!
I’ve been working with visalus for only 2 months and I love EVERYTHING about it.I went to Kansas City to the National Success Training and I meet two wonderful people,Tony & Sherrie McKnight, that changed my life in many ways.It was the best move I could ever make.I meet so many wonderful people there and they made you feel soo special.I love this site and makes me soo happy to be working with Such an awesome team.I LOVE VISALUS BABY!WHOOT!WHOOT!
You and Ashley are the epitome of Leadership!! You LEAD and we will FOLLOW! YOU, my friend, are creating a true LEGACY! We are happy to be a part of!!
Great article, Ted! Although, it wasn’t very hard for me to enjoy since I like ViSalus and Nick Sarnicola. 🙂 Thanks for posting and keep doing what you do!
Opal and I are very humbled to be a small part of your team. So very glad to have Matt and Johnna leading the way and changing lives!
Life Changing from the get go!!! Thanks Nick and Ashley for setting an “unstoppable” pace and challenging my family to “Dream Bigger than we could ever imagine.” Visalus has been and is a HUGE BLESSING! I am excited every day that I wake up in the mornings! Changing Lives for the BETTER!
I love it that you enjoy life AND work. My ViSalus business is so much fun that I don’t consider it work.
Best wished for the growth of your family – I mean the Sarnicola family, the ViSalus family is growing from its own momentum.
Congratulations Ashley and Nick.
Alexa Gilbert
You do what all the great leaders do – lead by EXAMPLE. It’s not merely impressive; It’s INSPIRATIONAL!
ONE WORD to describe this Couple, This Company, This Product, These People! LEADERSHIP! I’m ALL IN!
Nick and Ashley are such amazing leaders! Thank you for investing your time and energy into our team, not only for today, but for the future. Like I said before Nick, ‘I LOVE WHAT WE DO!”
Thanks again!
Great post on Visalus! Great company, great products, and I’m excited about the possibilities in the future. Best of luck to us all!
Hey Nick,
Thank you for spending much of your time the other night after a brief Getting Started Training to answer several of my questions… I really appreciated your honesty and your forthright answers. I look forward to reaching 5 STAR AMBASSADOR this year…. and Having a blast along the way. Incredible achievements on your part leading the pace of this team to the continued growth.
Michael O’Brien
Bay Area
I am so honored to be a part of Nick and Ashley’s team and the Visalus Family!!
Absolutely one of the better articles..Visalus..I am impressed and love their video.
Thank you
Young and spiritual as always I wish you the best.
Great article Nick and Ashley, looking forward to the international expansion. Bags packed and team ready in Europe. Just say when 🙂
hai nick, i am from malaysia , i would like to joint visalus direct under you…how ?,,tq.
Nick – Thank you for being in San Jose on Saturday! I have heard numerous speakers and you rate #1 with me. What a great presentation. I am very proud to be a brand new Raising Star!
hi, may i know when is visalus going to open in malaysia?
All I have to say, remember is success leaves clues and i’ts not always about the money, just think how many people Visalus has helped to lose weight and this is a huge global problem.