Sitetalk – Unaico Renamed To The Opportunity Network

Budapest, Hungary – 12th May 2012
SiteTalk – The Opportunity Community, today announced the new brand name of ‘OPN – The Opportunity Network’ that will be taking over the operations of the direct selling side of the business. This new brand name was launched at the company’s Global Convention held in Budapest, Hungary, in front of 2,500 attendees.
The social media platform of has extended the original direct selling business far beyond the borders of Scandanavia, and even Europe, with some of the greatest markets for now being those within Asia. It didn’t take long before the world headquarters was moved from within Europe to Singapore, the business heart of Asia, to enjoy a closer proximity to some of these fastest growing markets.
“We felt that our nickname – “The Opportunity Network”, describes well who we are as a company today, and what our main focus is, so we decided to formalise that identity and make it our new official name – OPN” announced Rune Evensen, CEO of OPN.
OPN was also pleased to launch at this convention SiteTalk 2.0 which is the latest version of the social media platform that drives the OPN business oportunity. SiteTalk 2.0 features new shopping “Deals” that allows SiteTalk users to take advantage of great shopping discounts created in their local markets.
“At any given time, OPN is working on a dozen or more new marketing concepts – ways to deliver more products, sales and benefits – to the millions of users of the free social media platform OPN is known as the company that delivers opportunites, and I think the new name of “Opportunity Network” is a perfect fit that describes in essence what we are all about”, said Kenny Nordlund, Network Director of OPN.
For Further Media Information Contact :
Christopher Cooper
OPN Global Sales & Marketing Director
Direct +65 6818 3013 | Mobile +65 9754 8857
[email protected] |
#17-01 The Arcade, Collyer Quay, Singapore
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I guess that’s not a good idea to change ur brand name bcoz it really counts to have a stable brand name!