Michael Wiedder – CEO Shopping Sherlock Interview
Michael Wiedder, CEO and founder of Shopping Sherlock was a pioneer on the Internet having founded Online Expo in 1995. He lives in Santa Monica, California, USA and has one daughter Sarah.
Michael was at the forefront of the Internet explosion in 1994 and produced the Online Exposition in Los Angeles, San Francisco and New York attracting over 10,000 people per event. He helped launch some of the leading Internet technology and media companies at those events and is very active in the Internet community in Southern California and The Silicon Valley.
Michael subsequently founded an online advertising agency, specializing in the franchise market and helped grow the franchise business for three leading International Brands.He has also been very active in the charity space. He publishes The Fundraising Journal which is a newsletter for non-profit fundraising professionals. The Journal has over 5,000 subscribers worldwide.
In addition, he recently created ActGivity, a platform for activity based fund raisers. Michael has been involved in various facets of the network marketing industry for many years. He has provided the initial funding for three network marketing companies, consulted for several other Network Marketing CEO's, and is the CEO of Best In U and Shopping Sherlock.
Michael's goal is to create the leading worldwide, digital, Company in direct sales.He is providing representatives with the best products and tools in the market to help ensure their success in their technology home based businesses.
Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview Michael and review Shopping Sherlock.
Michael, who introduced you in the world of Network Marketing and what hooked you?
I was introduced to network marketing in late 1989. I was running a computer training Company at the time and a vendor of ours introduced me to Direct sales. I understood the power of the model immediately and after many years running traditional businesses. have grown to appreciate the model even more. Having a lot of experience in the franchise space, I think giving people an opportunity to have their own business for a couple hundred dollars with the tools and training to build a global business and have the opportunity to make the kind of incomes that some people achieve in our industry is tremendous.
How did you got the Brain wave to start a digital MLM Company?
We believe that if people are given a simple, duplicatable product that has tremendous value and great tools to run and market their business they will be open and excited about the opportunity.
There is much discussion in the Direct Selling Industry about the best compensation plan, binary, uni level ect. Why did you choose your plan?
First of all as a digital Company, we don't have to usual costs that most direct sales Company's have. Most company's have to mark their product up 700% to make their plans work and than they end up paying out commissions on 70% of the wholesale price, the BV to CV formula. Because we are a digital Company and don't have to deal with manufacturing, packaging, shipping, warehousing, tariffs and other costs, we are able to pay out on 100% of the product price and we can expand internationally without the restrictions and costs a physical product Company would incur.
We have a binary plan with generational bonuses which gives people an opportunity to match incomes on many more people than any matching plan in the industry. We also pay back end commissions as people save money on products and services that they search for and buy.. Our product finds them the best prices immediately as they shop and can save people and families thousands of dollars each and every year.
We are making it completely turn key and even helping to push content through their blogs for them. Those tools are all included for $34.95 a month. I believe these tools are the best in the industry and they are helping people build their businesses, but the message will always stay simple and duplicatable. Its about giving away a product that helps people save money.
One of the things that I have learned in my experience in financing and running network marketing Company's is that you can have a great product and comp plan, but the key to success in our industry are the reps and field leadership. We already have some great field leadership in the Company and we will continue to strive to help provide an environment for our reps to grow and succeed We will support, recognize and reward our field leaders. I understand that they are the lifeblood and critical components to Shopping Sherlock's success and we are creating equity opportunities for our leaders.
My goal is to help make Shopping Sherlock the first billion dollar direct sales Company. When you look at the category leaders, Avon, the leading Cosmetic Company did over 11 Billion dollars in sales in 2011, with several other Cosmetic Company's over a billion in sales. Amway did about 11 billion dollars and Herbalife did over 3.5 billion.
I believe in the information age that we live in, there is an opportunity for a technology Company to be the next billion dollar Company and the leader in the digital category. Our goal is for Shopping Sherlock to be that Company. With that, we will be able to significantly impact and change the lives of many thousands of distributors and their families around the world.
In addition, we will continue to strive to create a great company culture and our charitable initiatives will help make a dramatic difference for those in need!
Contact details
Best In U, Inc., Inc.
406 Broadway #450
Santa Monica Ca 90401
Phone Number 310-405-0011
9:00 am to 5:00 pm PST
Monday through Friday
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Comments (14)
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Great interview, great company, great CEO!
Thank you Ted for posting this amazing interview!
Frazer Brookes
After 20 years in the industry for me it is the simplicity of the programme that appeals. Giving a product away for free that saves your customers significant amounts of time and money whilst you earn commissions, is the most duplicatable concept in the industry, and we all know that duplication built around a happy customer is the magic formula. Riding the wave of evolutionary growth in the internet with the global reach that goes with it and a man of Michael’s experience at the helm is something I want to be part of. Thanks for the interview Ted.
There is no question this company and opportunity is positioned as NO other.With the leadership of Micheal and the great team leadership this will be the NEXT BILLION Dollar opportunity!!!!! Nothing can touch it!
What an opportunity! It couldn?t be a simpler message for the Shopping Sherlock??give it away for free and while people save money you make money. Save money and build your solid financial future. A true win-win for everyone!
The interview really shows the vision of the CEO and where this comapny is headed by riding the current tech trends. Exciting stuff!
Shopping Sherlock under the leadership of Micheal is the company to watch, it’s moving fast, great company, great leadership, great products, great comp plan, great simple duplicatable system, all in all an outstanding opportunity.
Great interview, looks like there are great things in store for Shopping Sherlock.
A very truthful and optimistic interview with a man who has the vision and capabilities to take Shopping Sherlock forward and to turn it into the leading direct selling technology business in the world that anyone can participate in.
with Michael at the helm and the leadership team he has on board the future can only be positive for ShoppingSherlock and now’s the time to get on board!
What amazing leadership and commitment to success of an app that helps so many people for FREE. Michael has demonstrated this since buying the company by delivering everything he said he would on time and in some cases before the deadline.
I am so proud to be part of such an amazing company and watch this space….we are part of history is in the making!
Great interview/products/vision. I love the concept of giving away something (as in free) that will help people save money and time
in their busy lives; not to mention the satisfaction in doing it. I also travel a bit, as do several of my friends. We’re anxiously awaiting the
arrival of “Travel Sherlock” to help us save even more. Thanks Mike and keep on rolling!
Great interview. I believe Mr. Wiedder is going to do great things for Shopping Sherlock
Excellent interview. Great to have a Leader & Leaders of such magnitude. Hopefully ~ now many people will see what the Sherlock; it’s amazing FREE App that saves money & time while providing an awesome business model, as well as, Network Marketing as an industry, has to offer them. It is the future!!! Thank you Michael.
It is great news to here that Best in you with Michael Weidder at the helm have taken control & re-branded as the Shopping Sherlock (even my wife commented that the name & logo looks more professional) I think it was faltering & in danger of collapse previously. I believe the company really needs to ensure that the back office is simplified to ensure ease of use – 3 clicks & payments are made promptly to ensure complete integrity.
Now is the time to push & give the app away as we are all aware the internet is expanding by the hour never mind the day & the sooner you get on the more benefits you will enjoy.
Best wishes to all the team.
Great interview!
I have worked with CEO Michael Wiedder for the past six years, and his expertise, integrity, and vision are a perfect match with the Shopping Sherlock! His knowledge and experience in the technology space, coupled with the “free for everyone” Shopping Sherlock web app, creates an exciting and profitable opportunity for all the distributors. A free, no strings attached app, that saves you money! Nice work Shopping Sherlock!
Great interview?after 24 years in the MLM industry and making over 10.5 million I have never seen such an AMAZING pay plan, product and owner who see?s the opportunity like a distributor. So for ALL the Shopping Sherlock distributors who are involved and are looking to get involved, you?ll NEVER find a better home for putting the next 20 years effort into. As I always say ?YOU DO NOT NEED GOOD EYE SIGHT, TO HAVE GOOD VISION?.