MonaVie Internal Memo Revealed – Policies Enforced

A worried high ranked MonaVie distributor shared below memo to Business For Home. Seems MonaVie is sharping it's policies.
An Important Message from Randy Schroeder, MonaVie President of North America & Europe
I pen this note to all MonaVie members in North America who have attained the rank of Gold Executive or higher. I first thank you for the contributions that you have made and continue to make in the development of our (your) business. It is Friday as I write, and while the week’s numbers are not yet fully known, it appears clear that this week will be the seventh out of the last eight weeks where we experience growth, vs. the same week, four weeks earlier, and six out of eight weeks where we experience sequential week-to-week growth.
While there is much to be done, I hearken back to an old Virginia Slims advertisement…“We’ve come a long way, baby!”…in a relatively short time. Distributor attitudes and actions have improved. Predictably, we are now seeing the resulting increase in distributor application flow, which is the foundation upon which all else rests. I again thank you for your contribution to our improved and improving results.
We now arrive at a time where we each need to make a decision. As has been well noted, acknowledged and described, we have endured a time of turmoil. This time, happily, is now passing or has passed. During the confusion of the introduction of MVP, management role changes, and refocusing energies to North America, some MonaVie members began splitting efforts and allegiances between our company and other direct selling and affiliate entities. In the pre-St. Louis days, a decision was made to delay acting upon some known violations of our policies and procedures. While this decision was not comfortable for some, I felt that all needed to see with clarity the vision and direction of MonaVie, as would be (and was) delivered at the Convention of the Americas.
Two days ago, I received a message that led to a telephone call. It became clear to me that the time to fully enforce MonaVie policies has arrived. A great member of our distributor force told me of her dismay at the following situation: After working diligently for some time to help her husband see the value of the MonaVie opportunity with no avail, this member was able to persuade her husband to join her in St. Louis. Suddenly, he became her partner in yet another way—he fully committed himself to the development of their MonaVie business! Then, last week, this same husband was contacted by a member of their upline, attempting to recruit the couple into a competing business, all the while asserting that such activity was within MonaVie policy and would not be perceived negatively. What occurred? A reversal of the confidence and belief recently gained by the husband in our company and opportunity. The outcome was an effective unwinding of the great St. Louis experience. This is not fair and must not be allowed to occur even one more time.
Effective today, we will begin to administer the MonaVie policies and procedures as written. We will fully protect the business being built by you, our loyal membership. Any member who participates with another direct selling company, will be eligible to receive only ECM payments from MonaVie. If a MonaVie member makes any recruiting effort whatsoever into any other direct selling or affiliate company (whether personally or through electronic media posts, except to a personally enrolled member), the result will be termination.
My message is very simple: It is time to decide. If you are involved with another company in our industry, decide today….will you commit yourself to success in our business or to another? I love the Marine Corps motto “Semper Fidelis,” or “Always Faithful.” At MonaVie, we are faithful and will remain faithful to the protection of the business that you build. Permanent income requires permanent commitment!
I again thank you for your contribution to our rapidly improving results. In recent weeks the rank advancement page has again been vibrant and fun to look at. More to come!
Best Always,
Randy Schroeder
President of North America & Europe,
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Great job MonaVie. It says here you are free to go to any company at your own will and still collect a check here. You can enroll YOUR previously enrolled members, but DO NOT cross recruit. The smart ones understand the this ones, the ignorant ones do not.
Calvin we are commenting about the new part of the policy. The one about no affiliate marketing will be allowed either. What is your thought on that. many people use affiliate marketing to drive leads to them.
Good point Ron. The majority of people are using or will need to use programs to generate leads and I have yet to work with one that isn’t based on an affiliate compensation plan. We all need multiple income streams if we are to achieve our dreams and goals within this industry. I would never join a company or stay with one that limited my ability to join and recommend to my downline the educational and lead generation companies I believe would help them in their business.
SCARY! I find it appalling that a company who has ALWAYS preached having multiple income streams has NOW changed their minds and wants their distributors to have only them! OR did the multiple income streams only apply to those in charge? SO, what about those who were already involved in a non-competing (say, non health beverage, non health period) company prior to MonaVie? AND what about those who get involved with companies that don’t compete and/or can be used to market their business? I find it ludicrous that MonaVie is, in effect, running of their biggest talent pool by placing these cult like rules upon them! When the economy tanked, many people in all walks of life had to find other means of making money; but I guess MonaVie wanted us all to suffer through…maybe they thought we could just drink the juice instead of feeding ourselves and our families! As more and more of the top ranking distributors get out, I wonder how MonaVie will explain!
This is why we quit. Our upline couldn’t decide on which business we were in. They kept calling our downline and it was ridiculous.
I totally understand this and I believe the comments posted are based on many assumptions. I highly doubt they were calling those people regarding Avon, it was obviously a company of conflict. I have no problem being committed to one company especially this one. As you know MonaVie is about lifestyle and quality of life so how can you tell your clients you care about them when you are selling them all natural products then calling them back with something that maybe is not so good for you. Bummer though just the same, I was looking forward to meeting them.