MonaVie Response On Black Diamonds Resignation – Internal Memo?

Protecting Your MonaVie Business and the Open Door Policy
Dear MonaVie Black Diamond Leader,
It’s often been said that our industry is one of relationship building. In business—just as in life—not all relationships last, and MonaVie is not immune to the painful truth that some associations come to an end. Occasionally, there are those who feel compelled to leave behind what they’ve begun to build here at MonaVie and begin a new chapter in their lives. We understand that, and it is the reason why the Founder, Chairman, and CEO of our company had the foresight to implement the Open Door Policy years ago. As Dallin A. Larsen so eloquently stated,
“If for whatever reason, any MonaVie distributor feels they would be better served by pursuing another financial opportunity, we would wish them Godspeed and simply hope that they would continue experiencing the health enhancing benefits of our products. And, should the opportunity ever arise, we would welcome them back with open arms to once again pursue their financial dreams through MonaVie.”
Unfortunately, as we all have experienced at some point in our lives, some relationships end in a less-than-positive or constructive manner. If you feel that the actions being taken through social media by Mick and Vick Karshner and Rob and Lisa Alwin are having a negative impact on you or the people in your organization, my simple suggestion is to log into your Facebook account and “unfriend” the Karshners and Alwins. This will prevent distributors in your organization from being subjected to any disparaging posts and videos delivered to your Facebook news feed.
Joining and building a MonaVie business remains the most lucrative route to financial success in all of direct selling. I recognize that MonaVie may not be the right fit for everyone. However, I also have a responsibility to help protect the business opportunity for our distributors worldwide who have found a home at MonaVie, and I promise to do that.
Randy Schroeder
President of North America & Europe,
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I find it hard to believe that Dallin Larsen would have ever written a piece like this speaking out against distributors. I’ve seen that Facebook video Randy refers to and there was nothing negative that was stated about MV there was also nothing said about joining them on whatever they’re doing now. I know that tens of thousands looked to these two families for leadership and inspiration, and it seems reasonable to me that they at least say goodbye, and not leave people relying on the rumor mill about what had happened to them. Randy you’re response and recommendation to unfriend them has me worried about the state that Mona Vie may really be in. Are you in such bad shape that you?re now taking the low road? I sure hope not. I love what this company has done for me physically and financially and even more for the relationships I have formed since being a part of Mona Vie. However you?re sounding like some dysfunctional relative that has told me because of a break up in your marriage I have to choose sides. You’ve crossed a line you shouldn’t have crossed Randy. I hope Dallin is paying attention. If Mona Vie is ever to be that 20 billion dollar company that Dallin said it will become it?s going to need people like the Karshner?s and the Alwin?s. People like that don’t grow on trees. Your attack on them is offensive to me and I wonder how I will explain that to my team far more than any goodbye video made by Mick. This is a sad day for me, sad because of two godly and wise mentors this company has lost and even more sad over the shameful way you or now suggesting I treat them. Even though it was never said in that video your behavior is giving me new incites as to why they may have made such a monumental move as to walk away from such large businesses as they did.
I find it lame that people use these forums to bag on other companies and try to recruit to their company. But anyway, I think Randy, who I think seems to be a good guy, is just responding to distributors that are concerned with the impact this may have on their group. I think he is handling it very professionally. He is not disparaging or saying negative things about these people that left, he is simply stating that if you have a concern with how this may affect your team, or if you are upset by it, just unfriend them so that your downlines don’t have to be involved. I think it is lame that people are so outraged over this very professional memo. People leave to other companies and that is their choice, he acknowledges that, I don’t see anything wrong with what he said.
Hi Randy
Rumours has come to me that your Malaysian Black Diamond Shan Khan going to leave MV and joining Organo Gold. If he join Organo Gold, than this will be the end of Monavie in Malaysia, and more leaders are now moving towards Organo this year. Good luck Monavie….
Reading all comments. It seems to me that the management is the problem. I am not a distributor of Monavie but I believe Monavie has superior products. Founders of the company need to know people power rules. They need to respect and care for their promoters because happy promoters will not leave the company. It’s not all about the money, it’s about relationship. Promoters know that building a huge team does not come overnight. It’s blood sweat, rejections and lots of time to build a team. We also have personal connections to our team. We love them like our own family, we are there if there is family celebration, we are there when someone is sick, we are there if they need financial assistance, we are there when they have flat tire. When leaders leave their company along with their team it’s heart breaker to them. There are more and more companies that transforming to traditional advertising to network marketing. So many choices. As a promoters the first thing I look at the company is leadership. Organo Gold and Visalus are #1 in leadership. Their heart is with their promoters they know without promoters they will not be on Ted Nguyen list of top companies to make your home.
I am french and I live in France. I was with MonaVie since January 2005. I loved MonaVie and founders. I built MonaVie in France but I quit in Septembre 2012 because management is THE problem. I am okay with you.