This book is a great introduction into Direct Selling for any prospect!
For most people, the truth about Direct Selling is an unknown.
Your Plan B! is based on facts and direct experience. Not on hype!
With 500 Direct Selling Top Earners listed!
This book gives your prospects in a nutshell the information they need!
Paula Pritchard, Top Earner
Direct Selling made simple, that is what it is all about
Tom Alkazin, Top Earner
This book is a great introduction into Direct Selling!
Daniel Mueller, Top Earner
I like this book because it gives so much credibility to our industry. We all know those people who doubt everything and just are intersted in numbers and datas- now they got the perfect answer. Our industry is THE solution for our modern time challenges- it improves your life financially and personally. This book documents that it WORKS- and YES YOU CAN also succeed!
Download as Full Color E-Book $5.95 (English)

Download as Full Color E-Book $5.95 (English)

Download as Full Color E-Book $5.95 (English)
Steve & Melyn Campbell, Top Earners
We love this book and what Ted Nuyten is trying to do for our direct sales and network marketing industry. We need more documentation like this, as it lends so much credibility to what we are trying to accomplish. We always like to say that documentation ends conversation and a tool like this book always helps!
Mike Dillard, Top Earner Magnetic Sponsoring
I really love the work Ted Nuyten and his team are putting into this book. It’s something everyone wonders about, but few really know. It’s a great way to demonstrate what’s possible in our industry…
Jonathan Budd, Top Earner online mlm secrets
Awesome book. Facts speak louder then opinions! And clearly this industry is a beacon of hope and light for individuals looking to create an amazing lifestyle, income, and freedom through hard work. Many others are doing it, you can too!
Matt Morris, Top Earner World Ventures
Great book! Very useful information, credible facts & figures
Rod Cook, Global MLM Watchdog & Founder Distributor Rights Association
“Ted has written a great book that covers all areas of Direct Selling recruitment”.
Tom Wood, Top Earner
Ted Nuyten has by far the most extensively researched leader database on Network Marketing companies and leaders I've ever seen
James Christiansen – Evolv Health
“Finally an amazing UNBIAS book that is truly a great tool for the industry, accurate information
Tom Chenault, Home Based Business Radio Show
Great book, I recommend to use it”!
Hey that's intriguing … I just launched Ons Plan B yesterday (for Benelux readers) and is a great practical extension of your book.
Hi Ted,
Congratulations for this book. Espanish version?
Hola Valeria, si yo también pienso que debe haber uno en Español.
Puedo recomendarte uno muy bueno que se llama”Redes de Mercadeo” de Miguelángel Spezzia, es muy digerible pues tiene dibujos e información muy general de la industria; es ideal para tus nuevos distribuidores, y tiene diferentes para cada etapa de crecimiento de los nuevos distribuidores.
[email protected]
Seria bueno tener este libro en español, Muy Interesante
It is sad to hear that good, hard working honest people just trying to get ahead get blinded by the promise of these incredible returns. It is easy to get pulled in when you see it in black & white from friends. I have found myself in that place before. It did teach me a few things. My dad always said “nothin for nothin”. ‘Success’ only comes before ‘Work’ in the dictionary. Also he said long term value equals long term success. You have to have something that continues to add real value to someone’s life over a long period of time to have a sustained income generator. It also has to be simple and duplicatable to the masses. For me personally I have found this in a comp y called Visalus Sciences. In 18 months we have created over 80 six figure earners but more importantly thousands of people are earning hundreds a month and that kind of results will allow you to build a legacy if you choose. I wish all of you success where ever your passions take you. Live out loud!
Will be amazing in SPANISH… !!
We have a huge market for Entrepreneurs interested in “Multinivel” in Español…
You guys should do it in this language as well.
Let us know!
Bonjour a toutes et a tous avez vous le temps de venir visiter mon blog et découvrir la compagnie avec laquelle je travaille ? Merci
Great information.Being 67 years “young” I have discovered the greatest goldmine out there,what is it?It is selling how-to valuable information to starving market.