Ocean Avenue is founded by Fred Ninow, a successful entrepreneur, and Ken Dunn (Evolv Health, Max Int.) an industry giant. The company is proud to be entering the MLM space and believes that a company that delivers quality products, a viral marketing message and a built for today compensation plan is in high demand.
Fred Ninow & Ken Dunn have been friends and trusted colleagues for 6 years. 6 years ago, these men became partners in another MLM company start up where Fred was the original co-founder and creator of the company and Ken was the original distributor. With a great team, together they drove the company to over 100 million in revenue in just 3 short years.
For a 2 year period, the men went in different directions. 3 Months ago (May) the partners reunited and picked up where they left off. As they were re-kindling their friendship, a un-related friend of Ken's introduced him to the formulator of Ocean Avenue's products and the men decided to go into business together.
While delivering a lucrative payout, Ocean Avenue included in their compensation plan, vacations designed to bring family and friends together. The family, traditional or non-traditional is the centerpiece of Ocean Avenue.
Ocean Avenue is set on a four legged platform.
Nutritionals science backed by biologic nutrigenomics
Solid financial backing and corporate leadership
A simple to explain, viral message
Cutting-edge Compensation plan designed for today’s economy
Ocean Avenue is built on fun, freedom and fitness.
The company is extremely well capitalized and plans to launch simultaneously in Canada, USA, Indonesia & Vietnam on September 18th.
Fred & Ken feel that their experiences give them the ideal partnership. Fred Ninow has been in business for 29 years, starting several companies in that time. The gross revenue of Fred's companies is more then 2 billion dollars. In 2006, Fred Ninow started Max International and led the team to over 100 million in revenue in just their first 3 years. Ken Dunn has been both a business owner in the Mortgage & Importing industries as well as a Top International MLM Field Leader earning millions while traveling in over 25 countries building businesses of hundreds of thousands of people.
Direct Selling Distributors, they are active professionals, who love to team up with you!
Comments (4)
Ken is a fantastic leader and super teacher on how to build this business. I wish him, Fred and the rest of the team all the best on this new endeavour.
Ken is a fantastic leader and super teacher on how to build this business. I wish him, Fred and the rest of the team all the best on this new endeavour.
Hi Ken,
Congratulations for this new venture, best wishes for success and wealth!
Is anyone asking whether people are going to be misled by another ‘this is my last company?’
Heartedly congratulation, keep it up along with team.