Top Earners Hall Of Fame August 2012
Estimated $ Earnings per Year (Based on actuals)
1. Angela Liew & Rayne Ho – Nu Skin Singapore $13,000,000 |
2. Dexter Yager – Amway USA $12,000,000 |
3. Holton Buggs – Organo Gold USA $10,800,000+ |
4. Barry Chi & Holly Chen – Amway Taiwan $7,800,000 |
5. Bill Britt – Amway USA $6,000,000 |
6. Shane Morand – Organo Gold Canada $6,000,000 |
7. George Zalucki & Art N.- ACN USA $5,700,000 |
8. John Sachtouras – Organo Gold USA $5,580,000 |
9. Jose Ardon – Organo Gold USA $5,520,000 |
10. Brian McClure – Ambit Energy USA $5,424,000 |
11. Foo Howe Kean – Amway Malaysia $5,400,000 |
12. Raquel Cortes – Herbalife Mexico $5,400,000 |
13. Sunny Su – Amway Taiwan $4,800,000 |
14. Enrique Varela – Herbalife Mexico $5,100,000 |
15. Steve Thompson – Ambit Energy USA $4,440,000 |
16. Carol & Ken Porter – Monavie USA $4,200,000 |
17. Jim & Nancy Dornan – Amway USA $4,200,000 |
18. Max Schwarz – Amway Germany $4,200,000 |
19. Tae Ho Kim – Herbalife Korea $4,200,000 |
20. Philip Eckart – Ambit Energy USA $3,888,000 |
21. Kaoru Nakajima – Amway Japan $3,600,000 |
22. Peter & Eva Müller-Meerkatz – Amway $ 3,540,000 |
23. Rolf Kipp – Forever Living Germany $3,420,000 |
24. Rafael Rojas – Melaleuca – USA $3,360,000 |
25. Leonard & Irina Weisbein – Herbalife Israel $3,300,000 |
26. Marco & Milagro Dubon – FLP Guatemala $3,300,000 |
27. Minh & Julie Ho – TalkFusion USA $3,300,000 |
28. Seung Yo Park – Herbalife Korea $3,180,000 |
29. Nick & Ashley Sarnicola – ViSalus USA $3,120,000 |
30. Dong Keun Chung – Herbalife Korea $3,060,000 |
31. David Imonite – Organo Gold USA $3,000,000 |
32. John Peterson – Herbalife USA $3,000,000 |
33. Kang Hyeon Sook – Amway Korea $3,000,000 |
34. Leonard & Esther Kim Amway Korea $3,000,000 |
35. Mark & Peggy Lei – Amway Taiwan $3,000,000 |
36. John and Lori Tartol – Herbalife USA $2,880,000 |
37. Robert Hollis– Gano Excel USA $2,880,000 |
38. Susan Peterson – Herbalife USA $2,880,000 |
39. Jeff Roberti – Juice Plus+ USA $2,760,000 |
40. Elvira & Roberto Ruiz – FLP USA $2,760,000 |
41. Simon Abboud – ACN USA $2,700,000 |
42. Carol & Alan Lorrenz – Herbalife USA $2,640,000 |
43. Brig & Lita Hart – Monavie USA $2,640,000 |
44. Gina & Steve Merritt – Monavie USA $2,520,000 |
45. Nathan Ricks – Nu Skin USA $2,520,000 |
46. Brian & Andrea Sax – ACN USA $2,400,000 |
47. Christian Steinkeller – Organo Gold Italy $2,400,000 |
48. Ed Bestoso – Melaleuca USA $2,400,00 |
49. Jason O'Toole – Visalus Canada $2,400,000 |
50. Mark Comer – Synergy USA $2,400,000 |
51. Onyx Coale – Monavie USA $2,376,000 |
52. Debbie & Geoff Davis – ACN USA $2,340,000 |
53. Patrick & Mike Maser – ACN USA $2,340,000 |
54. Tom & Bethany Alkazin – Vemma USA $2,340,000 |
55. Kyle Pacetti – Visalus Canada $2,280,000 |
56. Ray Montie – Ambit Energy USA $2,256,000 |
57. Danny Bae – ACN USA $2,400,000 |
58. Todd & Angelique Hartog Monavie USA $2,148,000 |
59. Jordan Adler – Send Out Cards USA $2,112,000 |
60. Kim Chavich – Unicity Thailand $2,100,000 |
61. Edwin Haynes – Organo Gold USA $2,100,000 |
62. Giselle Sexsmith – Nu Skin Puerto Rico $2,100,000 |
63. Jennifer & Darin Dowd – ACN USA $2,100,000 |
64. Luis Ventura – Organo Gold USA $2,100,000 |
65. Mitch & Deidra Sala – Amway Australia $2,100,000 |
66. Naoki & Kimie Hongo– Nu Skin Japan $2,100,000 |
67. Dave Savula Legal Shield USA $1,992,000 |
68. Jeff Weber – ACN USA $1,980,000 |
69. Ruth & Jeff Elliot – Vemma USA $1,980,000 |
70. Tetsuya Fujisawa– Nu Skin Japan $1,980,000 |
71. Tony & Rhonda Lucero–ViSalus USA $1,980,000 |
72. Corbin & Holly Roush – Monavie USA $1,920,000 |
73. Gerry Seebacher Lyoness $1,920,000 |
74. Rita Hui – USANA Hong Kong $1,920,000 |
75. Michiko & Bruno Graf – Nu Skin USA $1,920,000 |
76. Mike & Lavon Craig – Visalus USA $1,860,000 |
77. Ming Kuan– Nu Skin Singapore $1,860,000 |
78. Carsten Ledule – PM Int. Germany $1,800,000 |
79. Ben Sturtevant – Lightyear Wireless USA $1,800,000 |
80. Collette & Zachary Larsen – USANA USA $1,800,000 |
81. Geri Cvitanovich Herbalife USA $1,800,000 |
82. Maria Schleipfer & Willi – Amway Germany $1,800,000 |
83. Scott & Sue Olson – Monavie USA $1,800,000 |
84. Tim Foley – Amway USA $1,800,000 |
85. Zachary Ross – USANA USA $1,800,000 |
86. Aron Steinkeller – Organo Gold Italy $1,740,000 |
87. Rick Jordan – Unicity USA $1,740,000 |
88. Dave Johnson – Nikken $1,680,000 |
89. Betty Sung – Nu Skin Singapore $1,620,000 |
90. Craig Bryson – Nu Skin USA $1,620,000 |
91. Franky Magliocco – ACN France $ 1,620,000 |
92. Takoko Kitaoka – Nu Skin Japan $1,620,000 |
93. Rachel and Josh Jackson – ViSalus USA $1,572,000 |
94. Jimmy Smith – Isagenix USA $1,560,00 |
95. Margie Aliprandi – Neways USA $1,560,000 |
96. Michaël Palmstierna Hamilton – Herbalife $1,560,000 |
97. Tsuyoshi Tomioka – Synergy Japan $1,560,000 |
98. Yun-Tae Hwang – Synergy Korea $1,560,000 |
99. Sharron & Steven Sharif – Xango USA $1,536,000 |
100. Bea Bos – Herbalife Netherlands $1,512,000 |
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Comments (23)
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Congratulations to all the top 100 mlm income earners and Hall of Famers. Their success was only reached with hard work, diligence and a vision for greatness! Thank you for paving the way.
Happy to see Tom & Bethany Alkazin and Ruth Elliot on this list. Good work you guys!
Great efforts Great Results
Que gusto da ver a los buenos amigos y líderes en el Salon de la Fama.
Gracias Christian Steinkeller por tu amistad y ejemplar liderazgo.
Amazing!! What other industry could give such a diverse group of people the opportunity
to create financial freedom and make their dreams come true!! Direct Sales and Network
Marketing is truly the vehicle of the 21st century for people to achieve what they want!!
Congratulations to all the Top Earners.
Hope to see South Africa feature too one day.
All things are possible!!
This is good for the entire industry and everyone in it!!!! Thank you Ted!!!!
This is best representation of the slogan “Yes We Can” Swift and steady action when confronted with the doors of opportunity can lead to unimaginable results. “As all of the top leaders have proven so well” Congratulations!! ~ OG on the move
Wao Organo Gold doing well gives an indication of where we will be in the next two years !!
Felicidades a cada unos de los grandes lideres que estan en estas. Alturas por que no todos. Tenemos la valentía de hace lo por que si si haci fuera todo mundo estaría como ustedes pero si lo podemos logran gracias a todos en especial al los de Organo Gold.
Congratulations to all !!!!!
All things are possibile !
yo conozco a muchos d otras empresas q merecerian estar en ese ranking, q ganan pasando los 5millones y muchos obviamente el 1millon, y no entiendo pq no salen ahi?
sera q se les tiene q pedir permiso a los networkers? o esq no tienen la informacion correcta d los q si realmente ganan lo q ganan?
conozco a muchos d omnilife, q ya hace años deberian d estar ahi, pero no lo estan.
de zrii, una empresa nueva q esta rompiendo records en todos los paises d donde esta, tampoco tiene networkers ahi? pq.
bueno, nos vemos un gusto! y un buen dato, para seguir, siguiendo a todos los grandes lideres!!
Thanks for the Info Ted, great job as usual.
This is fantastic for the industry…..we sell hope and inspiration!
Great to see represent from Visalus – woo hoo to Rachel Jackson my team lead!!
Primerica is not represented. I am not in Primerica but I know there are people over 5 mil a year, and many over 2, 3, and 4 million. My guess is they would knock at least 20 off this list.
Where do you get your info from? Brig & Lita Hart have made more money than almost anyone on that list and they are 43?? Come on Ted. Something iis wrong with your numbers!
Woooooaaoooo. Congratulations Julie and Minh Ho. You are amazing leaders.
Iar celor care vorbesc limba romana si vad aceasta lista le pot spune doar faptul ca noi vom intra in istoria marketingului din Romania. Daca esti dispus sa muncesti din timpul tau liber pentru a fi un om liber, fara probleme financiare, hai alaturi de noi. Succes tuturor si toate cele bune.
Congratulations Minh and Julie! Talk Fusion the best in the world!
Mr. Ted has anyone thanked you today for this web site? If not Thank You! This site is not only a great showcases for many great companies and the opportunities they offer to smart people around the world. Your web site is teaching some of the naysayers that yes there are real opportunities where a families can really make it from the comfort of their home. I love this industry and to see so many great leaders in so many great companies here it is very refreshing seeing the success in our great direct sales industry. If we can just get more of our young people to see this site and the amazing opportunities that exist in this world today. Many of our young people I talk to believe by seeing the state of the economy, hearing the bad news flooding the airwaves around the world talking of layoff’s and record unemployment… It is only commonsense that they would begin to believe that there are no opportunities left in this world! When most of us in the direct sales industry know the truth of the matter that there is more opportunities today in the world then ever before in history. Then there is the brainwashed anti mlmer’s if they would only wake up and perhaps learn why they failed in that one opportunity they tried 30 years ago, or they may have listened to grandpa about that pyramid scheme and they are now passing on that nonsense as fact to anyone that will listen. If they would only stop to see the new direct sales industry! Start following the many 1000’s and 1,000’s of successful distributors around the world and quit spreading their personal failure stories or hearsay then we would not have an unemployment problem anywhere in the world. Someday the world will wake up to the power of Direct sales and see the unemployment problems be a problem of the past! I see it is beginning to subside more and more each passing year, thank god. I see this site is a great asset to the industry as a whole and I for one applaud Mr. Ted Nuyten’s dedication to the industry!
And while on this page of hero’s I would like to say congratulations to my friend, my mentor and my Talk Fusion partner Mr. Minh Ho and His lovely Wife Julie you will always be in my hall of fame and to all those leader who are listed here on the Business For Home Top Earners Hall Of Fame August 2012!
You all deserve the highest of accolades and praise for all those you have mentored and supported so many in your respective companies you are all our industries Hero’s!
Great Rewards come to Great People I would be willing to bet that each of these great leader listed here in this Hall Of Fame find the people they have mentored and helped are their greatest reward for their efforts promoting their companies, and each of them would probably say that the money that is “just a means to keep score”…
Direct Sales Is The Only Way To Achieve Great Wealth For The Masses –
Building A Business Trough Leverage Is Simply Smart Business!
Listen To The Facts Not The Naysayer’s Don’t allow others to set the direction of your future.
Find The Best Direct Sales Company For Life Style and Get To Work Your Future Could Depends On It!
Go Direct Sales!
Mark Genovese,
Grand Blue Diamond With Talk Fusion
Thank you Mark!
Congratulations to those featured here and to the thousands who toil in relative obscurity but provide well for their families.
Congratulations to Minh Na Julie Ho of Talk Fusion. Waht a great achievements.
Congratulations too to all the networkers in the Hall of Fame. You served as an inspiration to all of us who are in the same industry. I will follow your footsteps because someday I also want to see myself in the Hall of Fame. How do I get there? Hard work and committment.
Congratulations to all the Hero’s here and unnamed, helping millions of Zero’s go Hero too.
Anita Vroonland
PS Glad to see your site is up and running again, Ted!