Chris Powell – Top Trainer Interview

Chris Powell is the trainer and transformation specialist on ABC’s “Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition which is broadcasted in 100+ countries and seen by 14+ million people. Chris exploded onto the fitness scene with his unorthodox approach, becoming a pioneer for a new hybrid of fitness professionals. Chris is married to Heidi, they have 3 children and live in Arizona, USA.
Adding best-selling author to his list of accolades, Chris’s first book Choose to Lose, was released by Hyperion in December and has soared to the top of the New York Times Best Seller list. The book provides motivation, nutrition, exercise, tips, and tricks to help anyone lose those last twenty pounds.
He graduated from Arizona State University with his degree in kinesiology, with a concentration in physiology and biomechanics. Upon graduation, he started appearing on a local television news station doing fitness segments, and quickly gained a steady fan base, where viewers started writing in questions or emailing Powell for fitness tips and suggestions.
As a spokesman for a Health and Welness company he is an active endorser of the Direct Selling Industry. Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview Chris Powell.
Chris, how did you get involved in the Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition show, was that your major break through?
I had actually been working since 2003 as the ‘fitness pro’ on the local news station in Arizona, delivering fitness tips and advice on the morning news for several years. A friend of mine worked at a production company in Los Angeles, and saw an appearance I had made on television with a gentleman who lost over 400 lbs.
She emailed me a congatulations and I mentioned that we were going to be documenting more transformations. She emailed me back asking if I would be interested in coming to LA to help them create a show about transformation. For the next 4 weeks, my wife (then girlfriend) and I drove back and forth to LA, sitting down with the creative team and designing the show. 2 months later the show was picked up by ABC, and the rest is history!
How did you make a living before you got famous?
I have been personal training since 1999. It is my passion!
Compared to Asia, Europe and South America, the USA is the Nr. 1 Obese Champion, how come in your opinion?
Culture. With the increased availability of cheap processed foods over 30 years ago, our culture shifted away from preparing food in the home and eating more restaurant and pre-prepared foods, loaded with fat, sugar, sodium and chemicals.
With the advances in technology, we are becoming more sedentary as computers and machines take over much of the physical labor jobs. Combine the increase in poor quality, high calorie foods with a sedentary lifestyle, and we quickly become the world’s most obese society!
Much of our next generation, having been raised in an ‘unhealthy society’ has no concept of what true health and fitness is. Many have little or no understanding of proper nutrition and exercise for the body. Henceforth, the rapid increase in the obesity trend among our children.
How did you got involved in the Direct Selling Industry, I guess as a fitness trainer you had numerous pitches?
It was most important that I team up with a company with a shared vision and demand for high quality products. When we met BK, it was the perfect fit.
In your earlier years have you or Heidi ever been in the field as a Direct Selling distributor?
Way back in high school I was introduced to a calling company called Excel, but that lasted about a week. That was my only experience in the Direct Selling industry.
15 million people are involved in the Direct Selling Industry in the USA, what is your opinion about the industry?
In the past I always had a negative connotation with Direct Selling. While there were some decent products I had found in the industry, but I had been pitched far too many times and never believed the possibilities of truly growing a home business.
Looking back, I just didn’t understand it. The power of the network in Direct Selling can be used to do incredible things. In what we do, transformation requires not just products and programs, but people. Of course if you follow the program and use the products you will lose weight and get healthier, but with Direct Selling you have a built-in support system of people who are rooting you on every step of the way.
It was the missing piece of the puzzle that we could not deliver with normal retail sales. In addition, the folks going through the transformation actually earn a LIVING helping others do the same! It truly captures the essence of ‘people helping people.’ It is the perfect fit for what we do.
How did you and Heidi meet BK Boreyko and Vemma, why did you decide to be a spokesman for the Bod-e product line?
A friend of ours set up a meeting with BK over a year ago. He introduced us to the Bod-e line and explained his vision for the future. Once we heard it, we knew it was the right fit. Our visions aligned! The rest is history…oh, and we’ll be making some more history soon!
Celebs outside the USA tends to be more shy to endorse Direct Selling products, what would you advise them?
Simple. Believe with all of your heart in the products and programs. You must KNOW that it will increase the quality of life for your people
The Powell family
Are you working in your Extreme Makeover show with the Bod-e products?
Of course! Our participants on the show love them! We start every morning with a Bod-e Burn, have another in the afternoon, and take the Bod-e rest at night. We do the cleanse once a month. We don’t just talk the talk…we walk the walk.
Chris & Heidi Powell, Protein Diet Tip Key to Weight Loss
There will be a new product launch – a Chris Powell Shake – what can you tell about the advantages of the shake, were stand it out?
We are setting out to change lives for the better. However, we know that in order to do so, we need to create products that ‘fit’ into people’s current lives. We need fast, easy, convenient food that tastes good.
As the perfect answer to breakfast (the most important meal of the day that far too many people skip), we created the Chris Powell Shake. It is designed to jump-start your metabolism for the day with a perfect blend of proteins, carbohydrates and fats. It is loaded with vitamins, minerals and a healthy dose of fiber to keep you feeling full for a LONG time. Best of all though, it tastes amazing! I’ve had every possible shake you can imagine, and this is by far my favorite.
Otherwise, I wouldn’t put my name on it. It’s the best shake I’ve ever had.
What are your plans and goals for the future?
We are going to revolutionize transformation. What you see now with the Bod-e line is just the tip of the iceberg. We have a full turn-key system of innovative products, programs and tools in the works that is going to make transformation possible (and easy!) for anyone and everyone. This is just the beginning.
Contact Details Chris Powell:
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I am so proud to be part of this! What an amazing opportunity for better health and prosperity we have! Thank-you, BK and Chris!
I’m so honored to be part of this AMAZING company and opportunity. I love it more and more everyday! Thank you Bk, Chris & Heidi!
such a cute family!!!
I have never been a big shake enthusiast but tried the shakes and was blown away. Definitely something I would make as part of my daily routine. Thankful that BK made the connection with Chris and Heidi- together make for an amazing team.
The Chris Powell Bod?e Shakes will make an already fabulous program even better. Since I have started using the Bod?e program and read Chris?s book (3 times so far), I have such a better understanding of how to make good food choices and I don?t crave the junk food or even chocolate anymore. I?ve already incorporated protein shakes into my weekly menus. It will be wonderful to be able to substitute those shakes for the Chris Powell Bod?e Shakes (and with Vemma inside it?s such a no-brainer)!
I truly believe someone got the great tasting shakes right for once. The Chris Powell Bode Shakes are so delicious and mix incredibly easy. Try mixing 1/2 scoop of Chocolate and Vanilla with a little milk and ice, a wonderful and healthy meal anytime of the day!