Popular ZeekRewards Alternatives – Poll

Business For Home is compiling the Most Popular Virtual Opportunties list in the world for 2012. Every single day, 70,000+ prospects worldwide are looking for information to find the best opportunity available.
As nearly 2 million people were involved in ZeekRewards we get every single day the question:
What would be a legit Zeek alternative?
My answer as a MLM supporter is: Find a good solid MLM, however millions of people want to do an Home Based Business with 100% virtual products, with residual income, from behind the computer, without recruiting and without hard work…
There is a thin line between legit or non – legit, between substainable business or a main failure. I do not endorse any alternatives, just want to give you an overview of the virtual market, so do your own Due Diligence!
Below list is based on the input of many visitors, you find it here.
You have 1 vote, please place you vote in front of the company name
and scroll up or down for the Vote button.
We love to have your facebook comments.
This poll is updated in REAL TIME.
The poll will be open till 31 October 2012