Silly MLM and Network Marketing Business quotes

Want to de-motivate your team? Want to blow up duplication?
The fastest way to ruin your business and credibility is to use below statements…..
Thanks to my Facebook friends to collect the silly ones!
- We are the next $ billion Direct Selling company!
- No recruiting, no selling, no bugging family and friends, no meetings, no work, no products, no lotions or potions, pills or concoctions!
- Our product has an ORAC score of 500,000!
- I will build it for you!
- I pay your way in!
- You don't have to sponsor anyone!
- This business is about to EXPLODE!
- Just put your money in or you miss the wave!
- You do not have to sell!
- You do not have to attend meetings!
- We are 100% debt free!
- We are going to be bigger than Amway in 5 years from now!
- This opportunity is a game changer!
- This opportunity is a Paradigm shift!
- The product sells itself!
- You do not have to do anything!
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All you need is two people!
“Our product is a category creator” (which it never is)
“We are breaking industry records” (which don’t exist)
“Leaders are flocking to our opportunity” (leaders don’t move)
and the all time classic: “We’re a ground floor opportunity”
Over the past seven years, we’ve analyzed over 700 MLM comp plans looking for the best. Here is an amalgam of manure from long copy and spam emails, firehosers on InYourFacebook, and relentlessly breathless enthusiasts. Here is The Perfect MLM Compensation Plan!
It?s a newly released, just unleashed beast of an entrepreneur incubating holistically abundant holy grail, fully forced automatic democratic dynamic compressing upfront oversized incessantly successful synergistic swirling vortex, virtual voucher bonus pool hybrid high ticket big ticket big league binary trinary mind numbing, bank crushing, nonflushing checkmatching revolutionary fiduciary visionary floating descending patent pending never ending pulse pounding jaw dropping competition stopping ground floor ground breaking earth shaking life changing paradigm shifting spirit lifting industry electrifying, incomparable and inimitable ultimate spilled executive bonus-to-infinity quinfinity coveted coding stairstep cycler on steroids spillover sensational generational re-entry residual ruby gold silver bronze diamond emerald soaring sapphire black pearl proven platinum pulsating mainstream penetrating prelunch (sic) powerleg point-of-presence perpetual motion squared multiple stream extreme dream dual edge open supersucking miracle money multiplier skyrocketing siphon magnetic re-entry follow me smoke free and mirrorless mega matrix with an astonishing high speed enlightening 100 percent commission black belt back end trademarked transactional transitional turbo millionaire unilevel level playing field recession proof rotating revolving real time rebate lifestyle quick start guided missile explosive three tier offshore (wait ? there?s more) global revenue power pool perfect profit sharing program with a self-multiplying feature igniting into a firestorm of referrals to the space proprietary platform virtually unlimited vehicle car bonus cascading commission cash cow cost overbalancing quantum excellence life enhancing impactful perpetual payment push button purge and replace feeder system sporting an infinite direct referral bonus with nonstop commission, quantum excellence and bonuses based on a time leverage income and a foundational motivational large leg stabilizer mirrored matrix maximizer bonus yet to be quantified that you don?t have to understand but even a monkey could do it!
The full article and the antidote can be found at
Together to the top!
Bob and Anna Bassett
One of my favorites is “we studied all the comp plans in the industry and have designed the best one”