Urban Turnsek – Top MLM Leader from Slovenia

Urban Turnšek from Slovenia is 25 years young and has build a team of 500,000 people. Urban is a recruitment machine, he did 20 meetings per day for 4 months, building up a gigantic organization in Eastern Europe and Italy.
Vice President rank in SiteTalk, meaning his group did at least Euro 5+ million in revenue in his lesser leg in the binary compensation plan.
Slovenia, officially the Republic of Slovenia is a nation state, situated in Central Europe, at the crossroad of main European cultural and trade routes. It borders Italy to the west, Austria to the north, Croatia to the south and southeast and Hungary to the northeast and has a population of 2 million. Its capital and largest city is Ljubljana.
Home of Urban one of the rising superstars in OPN – Sitetalk.
His SiteTalk Stars team from Slovenia arrived in a convoy of 7 Touring cars with 350 reps in Budapest on the OPN -SiteTalk Action convention.
His mother brought him in the Network Marketing business (Herbalife) and in 2009 he made the transition to Sitetalk.
His favoured authors: Jim Rohn and Randy Gage. Urban is a University drop out as he realized he would be better of working the MLM business full-time. A brave decision! Nominated by many as one of the Top Mentors in 2012.
SiteTalk Stars Team
With Business For Home Reporter Twan Vrints (middle) and Buddy Dejan Markovic
Contact Details Urban Turnšek
Comments (15)
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Lepo, lepo 😉
Thanks guys, youre the best team anyone could wish for 😉
Felictari Urban !!! ( De la veterinarul din Romania )
Gratulation Urban!
Cestitke !!!!!!!!!
Congratulations and warm wishes dear.
Urban! To je kul! Ustvari mre?o MLM. Napredek se ne ustavi, razumete? Va? operater se lahko pove?a za 2-3 krat v zelo kratkem ?asu, novo orodje … Pogovarjajmo se …?
you the champ
Urban the Sitetalk rockstar. Your leadership energy work ethic is amazing proud of you. Keep up the greta work
Urban, thanks for all!!!
We all are proud of what we have done in the last years, but we all know that this is just beginning of bright future for all of us and in the best vision company…
Congratulations for all!
Urban, thanks for all.
congrats to Urban and i must say thank you very much for the opportunity.
Urban najlepsa hvala, sem zelo ponosna in hvalezna za poslovno priloznost, katero si prepoznal ter nam omogocil, da smo tudi mi del tega.
?estitke Urban! in hvala , zelo mi je v?e? sitetalk!!!! 🙂
i good leader in OPN-Sitetalk ………. keep it up