Caroline Schneider – MLM Top Mentor in Europe Interview

Caroline Schneider is one of the Top Mentors and Trainers in Europe and lives on the beautifull Island of Tenerife, Puerto De La Cruz, Spain.
She speaks Spanish, English, German, French, Dutch and Swahili. She has one grown up daughter, Kimberly.
Caroline was born and grew up in Africa, in Bukavu, Republic of Congo, later studied in Switzerland and went to University in Massachusetts, USA, at Smith College and graduated in Criminology.
Apart from her Network Marketing activity, Caroline dedicates time to agriculture and grows tropical fruit for the local market as well as for export. Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview Caroline.
Caroline, how did you got involved into Network Marketing, who invited you and why did you accepted the invitation?
Network Marketing came to me in a natural way. Due to the languages I speak, people kept asking me for help in several areas of daily life, until I realized that it actually could be a paid activity – that was many years ago…
I now have been working as a professional for 19 years. Over the years, I have been asked by several MLM companies to study various markets in different countries, especially in Europe, their intention being the implementation of their products in the European market.
You have had an excellent education and your parents were well to do. While a lot of top earners build their Empire sometimes from a desperate situation, why were you interested in MLM?
I guess I could describe this very simply, I like people. As soon as I understood that this way of making business could be a very serious way of making an even more serious income but at the same time, helping people to do the same, I decided to get involved in this business activity.
Everything I did and still do is based on natural ways of proceeding. Having been able to travel the world as well as speaking the languages and following the path my father taught me of natural ways and respect towards everybody – he was a career diplomat-, I felt prepared to set the foundations of my business.
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Train The Trainer…. | Business in Italy |
You have been a Top Earner in a travel network marketing company, what can you tell us about your success?
Having built several large organizations in different countries and languages, I have learned that discipline and respect are fundamental.
Once you achieve a high level in a company, there is nothing more urgent than to teach others to do the same, but with a condition, not to imitate, but to be themselves and to stay natural using a system and never to get blinded by the money.
Caroline Schneider – Training in Madrid, Spain
As an international MLM trainer working, do you think there are cultural differences in recruitment techniques in Europe compared to the USA and South America?
Yes, and very much so! I believe that everyone is unique and has the right to stay that way. Duplication is not supposed to be meant for people, but for working systems and even there, systems have to be flexible. Without flexibility and respect, an ‘organization’ can be lost in no time at all.
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Caroline and daughter Kimberly | Training in Germany |
What is your best advice for an newbie in the network Marketing Industry?
The best thing a person can do is to stay natural and be him/herself. Slowly, then to learn the skills of speaking without making ‘sales pitches’, developing the skill of attracting future clients keeping in mind that many times, it is a person who will attract another person to a business.
Credibility is a key factor, and never forget to stay as you are. People also have to stay constant, therefore it is important to connect well with each other and understand what your opportunity will be about.
The Island of Tenerife, Home Of Caroline Schneider
What is your advice is people are looking for an opportunity?
I believe a person has to look at who presented him the opportunity and if this person or group will also have the kindness to help them find their personal and own path. Likeminded people work well together.
If you are serious about your business, you will naturally develop your unique passion and style in order to achieve your goals!
Contact Details Caroline Schneider:
Skype: mohari
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El tiempo que conozco a Carolina, no tengo ninguna duda de su profesionalidad, siga adelante, dichoso son la gente que tiene la suerte de trabajar contigo, David
Great article Caroline, congrats 🙂
Since I have known Caroline, I have always felt a sense of honesty and integrity about her. She tells it the way it is and does not put on a sales pitch as to living your dream life running a home based business.Caroline has given me some short cut advice on what it takes to succeed. She has been there and done it and succeeded and so I listen and respect that in Caroline.Thanks.. James
Hola Caroline!.Estupenda la nota y estupendo el trabajo que has desarrollado en linea durante tantísimos años,muchos de ellos en contacto directo contigo por pertenecer a tu mismo equipo de trabajo.
Has sido mentora mía en lo que compete al desarrollo de trabajo en linea y estoy más que orgulloso de ello.
Feliz de tenerte siempre,incondicionalmente,del otro lado de la pantalla!
Claudio Bricchetto
Enhorabuena Caroline!!! Eres una gran profesional del MLM y del Coaching.Destacas por tu honradez y respeto a los demas. Gracias por estar ahi dando ejemplo y ser mi amiga. Un beso
Te mereces esa gran recompensa desde hace mucho tiempo, eres mi gran mentora
y es un gran placer haber tenido el gusto de trabajar contigo durante mucho tiempo
y haber aprendido mucho de ti.
He tenido la suerte de conocer a Caroline hace algún tiempo ya. Quizás lo más importante que puedo decir de ella es que, por encima de todo, es una gran amiga y una bellísima persona. Desde el punto de vista profesional, la considero como una de mis maestras en el noble arte del networking que maneja como nadie.
Caroline est une personne merveilleuse, remplit d’humanité et d’humanisme. Ce fut une bénédiction de faire sa connaissance il y a 3 ans et ensuite de travailler avec elle, de garder contact et aujourd’hui d’être dans un noble concept avec elle comme sponsor, mentor mais surtout amie. Rencontrer caroline, n’est pas le fruit du hasard. Merci à toi caroline. Aime bajame la hola ! (c’est aussi mon prof d’espagnol), hahahaha !
É persona generosa,…grande professionale del Network Marketing,…e una cara amica mia……….capito.??…
Bravo pour l’article, qui résume bien ce qu’est Caroline, une personne intègre, droite, courageuse, respectueuse des autres et acceptant toutes les différences …. Je connais Caroline depuis de nombreuses années, depuis l’Afrique (nous vivions dans la même ville Bukavu). En plus, Caroline a le sens de la dérision, une grande finesse d’esprit et beaucoup d’humour. J’ai beaucoup de plaisir à discuter de choses et d’autres avec elle à toute heure du jour et de la nuit, vu sa disponibilité permanente!
Je voulais , bien sûr, parler de son sens de “l’autodérision”!
Ya una vez toque la seNsibilidad de nuestra querida amiga CAROLINE SCHENEIDER, al reconocerle lo valiosa que es como Mujer Luchadora, Mujer Empresaria,, hace tiempo ella me contesto que se la había emocionado, debo entender que ahora debes estarlo aún mucho más, esto es un RECONOCIMIENTO merecido.
Gracias a mujeres como tú, me siento cada dia más honrrada y orgullosa de ser mujer y de ser Emprendedora
Adelnate Caroline….. ESTAMOS CONTIGO
I have the privilege of working with Caroline at GPN, and she is the consummate professional. She understands the cultural differences working with a great range of people, and her ability to connect to everyone she meets is a true gift.
She brings such a dynamic understanding to her role at GPN as Director of Global Expansion. I am very honored to work with her.
I know caroline already many years –
it is a reliable and great personality in the network –
I look forward to further good cooperation …
herzlichen dank für alles…
ich wünsche dir alles gute…
Caroline, bigger Proffessional and Person than this article!