Calvin Becerra – MonaVie Hits $210,000 Per Month
Calvin Becerra resides in Corona, California, USA and is one of the most succesfull field leaders in MonaVie. In July 2012 he reached the Royal Black Diamond rank with a $100,000 bonus check.
In November 2012 Calvin received a $300,000 bonus for hitting Presidential Black Diamond.
Calvin: MonaVie is a billion dollar company that has a vision of becoming a 20 billion dollar company in 20 years and I will be here to experience it with many new partners. It is important to understand that MonaVie is not a start up company, it is a proven company that has shattered virtually every MLM record in this industry.
Where most start up companies fail within their first two years, MonaVie is only 6 years old and we have done what no other young company has ever done.
This is my first experience in the network marketing industry and in my first 8 months I became the youngest Black Diamond in the company at 27 years old. It doesn't matter what your background, ethnicity, age, gender or religion…in MonaVie, anyone can be successful when on the right team.
But you have to continue to ask yourself time and time again, “Am I willing to endure all the obstacles in order to reap all of the rewards that success in MonaVie has to offer?”. As long as your answer continues to be a “YES”, then you will be here one day too. Go for it!
MonaVie Top Earners – The est. earnings are as follows: