Nutri-Thin Joins Forces With EPX Body International

Dan Putnam EPX Body


Nutri-Thin is excited to announce that they have joined forces with EPX Body International, resulting in exciting changes. With Nutri-Thin’s past success of its hugely popular patented product, combined with the explosive growth and solid unmatched business model of EPX Body International, it only makes sense for these two cutting edge companies to merge, creating a major change to the nutritional and natural weight loss world.

EPX Body offers only the finest nutritional products on the market at competitive prices, resulting in the company seeing their numbers explode. Executive teams of both companies felt that based upon the inherent quality, immense popularity and sales rates of Nutri-Thin’s product that combining forces was inevitable. In this manner they are able to offer their distributors even greater opportunities for marketing success.

That is, as the companies merge, combining buying power and resources, distributors and customers will now be able to purchase Nutri-Thin for $39.95. This conforms to the entire line of high quality EPX Body products. The direct selling business model of Nutri-Thin & EPX Body will empower persons or groups who wish to become distributors to literally become profitable with as few as four sales. The company now offers a challenge that pays people to lose weight. An opportunity never before offered in the weight loss industry.

With only the highest quality products of both companies, combined with all of the sales tools offered by EPX Body, the newly combined effort of both companies is expected to power its way through the home based business industry and register record sales next year and into the future.

Compensation Plan

The company offers a unique way to earn cash back with their membership by simply sharing their experience of EPXBody with others, it's that simple. They have a 4 X 5 Community Matrix that allows for simplified success. When customers and distributors share EPXBody with others, they are placed in a way that is attached to their personal account, giving them the opportunity to earn commissions when they make a purchase or renew their membership.

Become a Recommended Distributor

Direct Selling Distributors, they are active professionals, who love to team up with you!

Comments (6)

  1. EPX is a lifesaver and a game changer. Now the little guy can finally succeed in this industry. What a blessing! Not only that, this company is PRODUCT driven, with real products that WORK! I Thank God for EPX body and look forward to helping many people get healthy and take charge of their finances as well.

  2. The EPX Body business model is extremely simplistic and very duplicatable. I like the company’s support infrastructure and affordability. Not many companies in this industry offer an income guarantee, but this company does. Confidence is what confidence does. This company is offering a 30-day test drive to opt-in, try the marketing system, product, and more without cost. The products are awesome and I’m not saying this just to be saying it. I’ve always been health-conscious. I adopted this mindset from 20+ years serving my country. You only have one body and I trust it with EPX Body.

    Jimmie Wilks

  3. I have been taking Nutri-Thin for a little over a month now..and OMG..LOVE IT..SO far today I lost about 12.5 pounds (going to look darn good this year at the swimming hole..LOL), but I have more energy on a day in and day out basis. I love how my clothes are now baggy..such a excitement!
    BUT ..they ARE NOT JUST A ONE HIT WONDER! They have many beneficial products to choose from.
    THANK YOU DAN AND EPX..I am hooked!

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