Herbalife Distributor Earnings Disclosure

Herbalife Distributor Earnings


According to Herbalife:

The majority of those Distributors who earned in excess of $100,000 in 2012 had reached the level of Herbalife’s President’s Team.

During 2012, 47 U.S. Distributors joined the level of President’s Team. They averaged 9 years as an Herbalife Distributor before reaching President’s Team, with the longest being 20 years and the shortest being less than three years.

The compensation chart below indicates that 434,125 Distributors (88%) received no payments from Herbalife during 2012. However, this chart does not include amounts earned by Distributors on their sales of Herbalife products to others.

Additionally, this chart does not include the benefit to Distributors buying Herbalife products at a preferred price for their consumption and that of their families. Based on the company’s survey, 73% (1) of individuals became Distributors primarily for this benefit.

  • 194 Herbalife distributors are making an average of $724,030 annual or $60,335 per month
  • 452 Herbalife distributors are making an average of $148,808 annual or $12,400 per month
  • 539 Herbalife distributors are making an average of $68,912 annual or $5,742 per month

Herbalife Distributor Earnings Disclosure 2012

Source: Herbalife

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