Empower Network May 2013 Sales Figures Revealed

David Wood, CEO Empower Network shared the next statistics through his Facebook Page, which is very open for a privately owned company:
David Wood:
Some people have question whether Empower Network is actually 100% commissions, because we pass up sales. I wanted to show you our revenue/payout numbers for May:
Total Volume:
$5,752,081.80 Less: Non-Commisionable Items: $696,206.80
(note: Empower Network is not a pyramid scheme. Recruiting, or affiliate fees, pay no commissions and don't count for income qualifications – they go to the operations of the company, tech development, and the same is for events – which are affiliate-only training). Commissions are paid on product sales only, and have nothing to do, at all, with recruiting. Most people assume Empower Network has no customers, when actually, 37% of all of our sales are customer only (non affiliate) sales volume. That is significantly higher than any other direct sales company I've ever been in, but I'm still not satisfied, and am going to get that to a 3 to 1 customer ratio by this time next year. Watch.
Total Commissions Paid:
————–end of numbers————-
ALL product sales are paid out in the comp plan – that is the best payout ratio that you've ever seen, a normal company would have to do almost $11 million in sales in a month in order to pay what we paid out with $5.7 million in total sales.
THAT is why statistically, our affiliates are making more money with smaller teams – because off of the same volume, the payout is more than double a normal compensation plan. That month (May) we had around 27,000 active affiliates (people who paid a $19.95 fee and actually have signed and executed an affiliate agreement, and our policies and procedures)
Out of around 27,000 active affiliates (that number is not exact, I don't have exact right now – forgive me) we paid a commission to 7,906 of them. That is approximately 29% of everyone who has an ability to earn a commission actually earning one.
That is including new affiliates that have just joined, affiliates that have never attended an event, affiliates that have been in for less than 90 days, affiliates that earned only $25, all the way up to affiliates that earned more than $100,000 in a month.
THOSE are the most unique numbers that anyone reading this has ever seen in a legitimate direct sales company, and those of you who know numbers – you know what I just showed you means – and it's a big, big deal.
It's just beginning. In Denver, we're releasing something BIG – that is going to dramatically alter the nature of how we do what we do, and how BIG it can get.
* Side note to the 3 un-informed critics who think that active affiliates are the same as active customers. We've had 151,348 customers join, and under 100,000 affiliates – right now our active customer numbers are more than a third, we have a little over 50,000 active customers paying a current subscription monthly on one of our products, not including people that just make one time orders of non-recurring products.
Why am I sharing this?
Because I LIKE being honest, and open about what is actually going on.
* Special side note – us paying more than $5 million in commissions in May doesn't mean that we're guaranteeing that you'll make money. As a special important reminder, this isn't a ponzi scheme, where we are magically creating commissions, and multiplying money by an unknowable spiritual mechanism. You actually have to create sales – I'm just pointing out how much more we are statistically paying out when you do.