Herbalife – 1,9 Million New Distributors In Last 12 Months
Herbalife has held it's european convention in Koln, Germany and revealed the new sign ups for the last 12 months: 1.915,000.
15,000 Distributors from over 50 countries took up every available seat; 2,800 attended the TAB Team Training and over 2,300 attended the AWT Training PLUS.
Guest Speakers, Michael O. Johnson, Madeleine K. Albright – former USA Secretary Of State among others.
Herbalife Ltd. (NYSE:HLF) is a global nutrition company that sells weight-management, nutrition and personal care products intended to support a healthy lifestyle.
Herbalife products are sold in more than 85 countries to and through a network of independent distributors. The company supports the Herbalife Family Foundation and its Casa Herbalife program to help bring good nutrition to children.
Herbalife's website contains financial and other information about the company at https://ir.Herbalife.com. The company encourages investors to visit its website from time to time, as information is updated and new information is posted.
15,000 attendees in Koln, Germany
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