Zeek Rewards To Be Auctioned Off

As the Davidson-County Dispatch reports, the penny auction site Zeekler.com and their rewards/MLM scheme that turned out to be a huge ponzi scam will see all of its assets auctioned according to a motion filed in the U.S. District Court in Charlotte.
Last summer the site and marketing scheme was shut down and declared a large pyramid and Ponzi scheme by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Dispatch reports that upwards of $325 million has thus far been reclaimed for Zeekler’s thousands of claimants – there’s about 174k claims, totaling $550 million.
“The proposed sale at auction will result in additional cash being deposited in the receivership estate’s accounts and will increase the overall recovery for claimants,” said Bell, who with his team of attorneys, investigators and database consultants has recovered upward of $325 million for Zeek’s “net losers.” About 174,000 claims, totaling about $550 million, were submitted through the claims process that ended in September, and Bell estimates that a total of 840,000 Zeek Rewards users lost money.
The auction will include buildings, home and office furniture and “close to 600 items relating mostly to country music memorabilia listed in the auction’s catalogue, as well as Zeek promotional material like water bottles, coffee mugs, magnets and pens, according to court attachments.”