Eric Park – MonaVie Hits Diamond

Eric stated:
“I graduated high school in 2007, and I really did not know exactly what I wanted to do, except that I had a burning desire to become successful. When I entered a university in 2008, I pursued a bachelor’s degree in commerce.
“I was only able to complete one full semester, because I just wanted to get out and do something that I felt passionate about. Eventually, I fell into sales and, through hard work, managed to climb up a ‘small’ corporate ladder to become a business development manager for a telecommunication company.
Pursuing an inward desire
“Was I happy along the way? Of course I was, because I believe it taught me many skills that I still utilise in my everyday life. But it wasn't enough. I soon realized that my income had limitations and did not reflect my true efforts. So I was always seeking for other opportunities and thanks to persistence and vision of my uncle Kevin Lee, who is an Emerald Executive, I joined MonaVie.
“My burning desire to become successful and passionate toward life comes from within. My biggest fear in life was my dad, because I never could make him proud; seeing my dad disappointed in me hurt. I guess this is the reason why I am who I am today. I believe that each and every one of us has a burning desire ready to be ignited. It’s just a matter of trusting yourself and believing in what you think is right for you.
Act as if…
“Sometimes we are afraid of failing and ‘disappointing’ others. But if you do not ‘pursue’ your own passion and dreams, it will be you who is disappointed the most. Trust yourself and know that those around you will praise you at the end of your battle.
“‘Act as if….’ I believe in this way of thinking so much. If you can act as if you are already the person you want to be, it will manifest and become a reality.
“The greatest challenge will always be you; and, the hardest person to ever lead in life is yourself. This opportunity has taught me so much about people and that the only way to truly grow a huge business is by building solid relationships. Yes we can disagree on things, but it is about respecting the other person’s opinion and working together to grow together.
Simply amazing
“MonaVie has given me hope. It is the best vehicle to take me to my dreams. My goal is to create a pathway for success through this opportunity. I will give people a reason to follow and to challenge themselves through this journey, and I will continue to help others achieve their goals and dreams.
“I am grateful for MonaVie. The company is amazing, and the opportunity that it provides is, well, AMAZING!”