Nerium International Announces Canadian Expansion

Nerium International has opened up its pre-application process into Ontario & British Columbia.
The company was founded by its CEO Jeff Olson. Jeff is an industry icon, top executive and author of the best selling book, “The Slight Edge”.
He has put together a world class management team with over 200 years of experience.
Nerium launched in the fall of 2011 in the USA. Since then it has become the most talked about company in the direct sales industry in the past 20 years. The company has broken numerous records in the USA and is credited with being the fastest growing company to reach $100 million in its 1st full year.
Nerium is also the fastest and youngest company to make the DSN Global 100 List. The company has been featured in numerous magazines including the youngest company featured in Success From Home magazine.
Nerium International has been committed to bringing science-based products, that actually work, to consumers.
Tammy Smith, Nerium top Leader says,
“Nerium has spent the past 2 years establishing an international product line and are excited it is ready for international expansion!”
Nerium has mastered a simple customer model that has built a very large customer base in the USA. The system is very robust with the most advanced technology and training in the world. The compensation plan is also breakthrough with a very lucrative plan that is easy to follow.
Top earner Mark Smith says :
We have created a simple Pre-Application Process where you can start building a team to prepare for the official launch. This is an amazing opportunity to be able to position yourself today with such a successful and proven company at the very beginning of its Canadian expansion.
We encourage you to get started today and we also invite you to our upcoming convention in St. Louis, Missouri April 10th-12th.
Mark & Tammy Smith are the top income earners in Nerium International & are dedicated to working with others that want to jump on board in the beginning stages of opening up Canada. Find out how to work directly with Mark & Tammy Smith by visiting: https://www.mark-tammysmith.
Get more information, facts and figures about Neora, click here for the Neora overview.