Denice and Tom Chenault – Youngevity Top Earners Interview

Denice and Tom Chenault are among the highest earners in Youngevity. They have been with the company for 18 years and have a huge organization across ten legs of Youngevity's unilevel compensation plan.
They are the only ones to have achieved the Ambassador level which was rewarded by getting the keys and the TITLE to a Porsche Carrera 4s Convertible and live in San Antonio Texas and Longmont Colorado.
They have three adult children and two grandchildren. Denice is passionate about personal development, coaching and empowering women. Tom is passionate about people. His credo…Love like crazy, then love more.
Network marketing isn't work to them. It's life. It's who they are, it's what they do. Tom has hosted the largest, longest running Home Based Business Radio show in the world for more than ten years.He has served on the board of the MLMIA and was a founder of the Association of Network Marketing Professionals. They live their life doing all they can to keep the image of the profession at it's highest.
At the convention in Anaheim in April 2014, Tom received the Trainer of the Year award. While they have won almost every award Youngevity has ever had, this one was special.
I loved this award because I am so proud that so many people have gotten to come along on this ride to success. It's isn't just Denice and I who won this…it was everybody! The Chenault's believe that with the right mentoring everyone can make it to whatever goal they set. And they are proving it daily in Youngevity with team rank advancements piling up at record pace.
Ted Nuyten had the honor to interview the Chenault's:
Tom, how did you discover Network Marketing?
The hard way. It was the last house on the block. I was just getting sober in 1988, (now 25 years of sobriety) and found myself with no job, no money and no one wanting to hire me. The dreaded word MLM was the only place I could get myself back on my feet. I joined NuSkin and got after it. I didn't make it to the top but I sure got an education.?
Denice and Tom Chenault 2014 Video
What was your opinion about MLM before you decided to sign up?
When I was a ego driven stock broker back in the 80's and you had told me I was either going to be a Martian or a multi level marketer, I would have asked you how the weather is on Mars. No chance! Never!?
Did personal development play an important part in your success?
Personal development has played an important part in my LIFE! Remember, in 1988 I was coming of major problems with alcohol. I didn't like me so I really didn't like you.
And even though I sobered up I knew that there was something missing, something more to life. So I plugged into AA and also a course called the Landmark Forum. My life began to change on the inside far sooner than on the outside. And I got access to me.
Who I was, what I wanted in life. And now, 25 years later I am as committed to personal development as I was in 1988. It has helped me in business, more than anything in fact, but also spiritually, emotionally, physically and of course financially. I am truly happy and for this Tom Chenault, that's a miracle.
Are you a massive recruiter or are you more selective who to partner with?
We are the opposite of a massive recruiter. We don't sign people up. It's ridiculous. We enroll people into the possibility of getting what they want for their life. And we help them get there from here. So we talk to far few people with what we think are great results.?
Why are you succesful, what is your Secret?
Our secret is the Coffee Shop Interview? which is a time tested way of talking to people to find out what they want out of their life and then coming back and showing them that what we have to offer will fill that void in their life.
The premise is to see what wakes them up at 2am in the morning…time, money or health. Once we know that we show them something inside Youngevity that is going to solve that problem. It's maybe slower…but definitely better.
What was your biggest challenge to build up a team?
Easy question. Trust. That means trusting Steve Wallach, his vision, his leadership and his management team headed by Bill Andreoli, the President. As we look back over our career any problems that occurred usually happened because we veered from The Lane instead of just trusting that they knew what they were doing.? Dr. Wallach and Youngevity have been doing this far longer and far better than we have. And every time we've veered from the system we added confusion and slowed us down. Today we let the leaders lead. It is amazing how well that works both in corporate and in the field.
How has your life changed through your success in network marketing?
We now own our time, our health and our money. It doesn't own us. We aren't the ostentatious type. We live our life to give back. At this moment it's to our team. We are at an important time for Youngevity, they have blown by that 100 million dollar in sales per year and you can just feel the lift to the billion dollar mark. So we are doing all we can to support that with travel and time.
We are going wherever help is needed.? But even that isn't work. It's fun! We love it and can see the results. The success has also given us the ability to grow up with our children and grandchildren no matter where they are on this great planet. We've followed our kids and also build business in London, Mexico, Argentina and Australia. That is awesome to be able to do that. As a recovering alcoholic, Tom really works with people in AA, homeless people and troubled kids all over the world.
Network marketing gives him the time to do that. Denice was a single mom doing all she could to give her little boy the best life possible and still make a living. She knows the struggles of single moms and spends her time showing them there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Do you have a tip for a Newbiein MLM?
Yes, figure out what you want success to look like and then work it backwards from there. In other words…know where you are going and what it's going to take. We will show you the best way for you do do it. Using your skill sets. We literally map out the plan, with the steps along the way. What books to read, what events to attend. All of it. Because in MLM, like most things, success takes hard work. The good news is that we have done it, all you have to do is follow our footsteps.?
Tom, what are the benefits of the Youngevity compensation Plan?
The great thing about Youngevity's comp plan is that a person can make a lot of money in the beginning, the middle and the end. The low cost of entry, $10-$499, lets people come in at their pace instead of forcing some agenda on them. There are no trap doors in the comp plan so people aren't looking back saying I would have been rich if I just would have…
We have a coding bonus tied to a unilevel plan which is unheard of. We have a super each car program that doesn't dictate what car you buy if any. Bottom line…it's fair, it's balanced and it's fun.?
Contact details Tom and Denice Chenault
Tom Chenault is a passionate man. Whether he is on the air with his radio program Tom Chenault Show or on the phone encouraging a team member or spending time with his wonderful family, you can be sure he is doing it with all that he has. Tom has lived his entire life as if it were the gift he always wanted.
His life has been one big adventure. Tom has been a corporate airplane salesman, a stock broker, a public relations firm owner, a radio show host, and an ultra-successful network marketer. While Tom has made and lost a lot of money during his career(s), he has never lost his infectious sense of humor and his ability to rise to the top of his profession…and help others to do the same. If you asked him what gives him pride he will tell you; Outside his wonderful family, he is most proud of being sober for over twenty years. “How I survived being a drunk only God knows. Maybe he isn’t finished with me yet.” Indeed.
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Tom Chenault is a passionate man. Whether he is on the air with his radio program Tom Chenault Show or on the phone encouraging a team member or spending time with his wonderful family, you can be sure he is doing it with all that he has. Tom has lived his entire life as if it were the gift he always wanted.
His life has been one big adventure. Tom has been a corporate airplane salesman, a stock broker, a public relations firm owner, a radio show host, and an ultra-successful network marketer. While Tom has made and lost a lot of money during his career(s), he has never lost his infectious sense of humor and his ability to rise to the top of his profession…and help others to do the same. If you asked him what gives him pride he will tell you; Outside his wonderful family, he is most proud of being sober for over twenty years. “How I survived being a drunk only God knows. Maybe he isn’t finished with me yet.” Indeed.
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Tom Chenault is a passionate man. Whether he is on the air with his radio program Tom Chenault Show or on the phone encouraging a team member or spending time with his wonderful family, you can be sure he is doing it with all that he has. Tom has lived his entire life as if it were the gift he always wanted.
His life has been one big adventure. Tom has been a corporate airplane salesman, a stock broker, a public relations firm owner, a radio show host, and an ultra-successful network marketer. While Tom has made and lost a lot of money during his career(s), he has never lost his infectious sense of humor and his ability to rise to the top of his profession…and help others to do the same. If you asked him what gives him pride he will tell you; Outside his wonderful family, he is most proud of being sober for over twenty years. “How I survived being a drunk only God knows. Maybe he isn’t finished with me yet.” Indeed.
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