Osamu and Yoshiko Tada Become Xocai’s First Double Diamonds In Japan

Less than one year ago, Osamu and Yoshiko Tada were operating a successful Japanese restaurant when they ran into a friend they had not seen in 40 Years.
‘We did not recognize his face, but his voice was very familiar to us’ says Yoshiko. After some discussion it was not long until their old friend introduced Xoçai® and its Healthy Chocolate® products to them.
The health conscience Tada’s started using the products and within 10 days Osamu had lost 15 pounds. Startled by the weight loss, he called his sponsor and old friend, who assured him that ‘the products were designed to work this way”.
Beyond the weight loss, Osamu noticed something else. The arthritis in his right hand seemed to be diminishing and quickly he found himself on the golf course again after years of not being able to play. In fact, this last winter, he was keeping pace again with the 20 year olds on the ski slopes.
It was through these powerful testimonials and results that Osamu and Yoshiko knew they found something incredible and began to share this with friends and loved ones.
It did not take long before they realized the tremendous business they were building. ‘Every body is having fun and miracles are happening’ said Yoshiko, ‘We have so much pride in the Xoçai® products’.
After only 152 days with Xoçai®, the Tada’s have reached the rank of Double Diamond Executive, the first in Japan.
“We are so proud of the Tada’s and their team” says Jeanette Brooks, Founder and President of Xoçai®.
“The Tada’s have found the simple formula for success that we have seen over and over, use the product, gain your own testimony and share it with others, it really is no more complicated than that” she says, “We are so pleased to see our amazing products in Japan”.
“In the forty countries where Xoçai® is presently available, we have seen our products positively effect tens of thousands of people” says Andrew Brooks, Founder and COO of Xoçai®,
“Not only have we seen the personal testimonials, we have seen our distributors embrace the lifestyle that this business allows, additional income, trips to exotic lands, a responsible Mercedes Benz car allowance program, millionaires, and even multi-millionaires all by simply consuming and sharing our Healthy Chocolate® products. We take our corporate responsibility seriously”.
Andrew continues, “How grateful we are for the Tada’s and the thousands before them who are reaping the benefits of our products and opportunity while building a legacy” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fvUrX5tpJAw
Xoçai® and its high-antioxidant Healthy Chocolate® products recently welcomed its newest addition with the XoLove Chocolate Love Bites™. Other Xoçai® product categories include Weight Loss, Anti-Aging, and Healthy Energy. For more information regarding Xocai® and its high-antioxidant Healthy Chocolate® products visit WWW.MXICORP.COM.