MonaVie Announces Retirement of Company Founders, Begins New Chapter

MonaVie today announces the retirement of company Founders Dallin Larsen, Randy Larsen, and Henry Marsh, who, for the past year and a half have been serving on the MonaVie Board of Directors in preparation for the eventual transition to the current leadership team and the proverbial turning of the page to a new chapter in MonaVie’s storied history.
All three Founders remain shareholders of the company—and will forever be the Founders of MonaVie—but will no longer serve on its Board of Directors.
The decision was reached mutually among the Founders in a meeting held yesterday.
Brothers Dallin and Randy, along with close friend and four-time Olympian Henry Marsh founded MonaVie in 2005, and, in the process, helped bring the acai berry out of its Amazonian obscurity and into the spotlight as a major player in the world of superfruits.
“MonaVie—the Premier Acai Blend” was born, and the tagline “Drink It. Feel It. Share It.” succinctly foreshadowed the rapid success the company would have with its flagship line of antioxidant juice beverages.
Over the years of growth that would ensue, the entrepreneurial-minded founders wisely brought on key employees to round out the skills and knowledge needed to run a complex international organization. In January 2013, MonaVie hired a new CEO and President, Mauricio Bellora, who is a past CEO and president of consulting firm DaumDeuman and former executive for Natura, Mary Kay and Allergan. For the past year and a half, Bellora has worked closely with the Founders, and the Board, toward the transition that took place yesterday.
“It is now time for a new group of leaders to take this message of hope around the world. There are so many wonderful and talented employees who have given their heart to MonaVie. I love and appreciate them so much. And I have all the confidence in the world in their abilities to make this company a continued success.
I wish Mauricio and team all the success in the world as they execute their strategy. I believe that the next chapter for MonaVie can be greater than all the previous successes,” said Cofounder Randy Larsen. “I am at peace with my decision to move onto the next chapter in my life.”
Founder Dallin Larsen shared a similar sentiment, “With Mauricio Bellora now on board as CEO of MonaVie, I believe that MonaVie can create greater success in the future than we’ve seen in the past, but the baton absolutely must be passed. So, after many months of prayer, deliberation and conversation with Karree, I’ve decided to step aside from MonaVie as Chairman.
No words can adequately convey the depth of feeling and gratitude that Karree and I have in our hearts for the MonaVie family, nor will time erase the fond memories we feel for each of you whom we’ve had the privilege of serving. We are simply better, because of you and your goodness.”
Although now also retired from the Board of Directors, Olympian and Cofounder Henry Marsh eagerly looks forward to attending and participating in distributor and corporate meetings in the future.
It was clear early on that Bellora was going to honor MonaVie’s history and values while, at the same time, taking the company to new levels. “We’re looking to revamp MonaVie based on its values and code of ethics. We’re committed to helping people live A More Meaningful Life and building a company that is sustainable,” said Bellora in a May 2013 interview.
Bellora is today as optimistic about the future of MonaVie as ever. “We are seeing new growth in our markets as a direct result of new product launches and initiatives, and the number of active distributors in North America is growing. The future of MonaVie is happening now.”
On behalf of all of MonaVie—its shareholders, employees, customers, and distributors worldwide—we express our deep gratitude to Dallin, Randy and Henry for their inspired vision of a company that would bring health and opportunity to countless individuals for generations to come.
About MonaVie
Since 2005, MonaVie has developed premium products dedicated to promoting health and wellness worldwide. With distribution in 40 markets, MonaVie addresses four key areas necessary for optimal health—Nutrition, Weight, Energy, and Stress—with products made from the best and rarest ingredients on Earth.
The products, in conjunction with MonaVie VIEW Antioxidant Scanner, empower people to live healthier, more meaningful lives. That greater meaning is revealed through our heartfelt commitment to doing good in the world and by helping children and families in need through the MORE Project. Start living A More Meaningful Life today and discover the true, life-changing power of MonaVie. Learn more at, or connect with us on social media.