The Tarr Family – ViSalus Business Owners, Health Seekers And Life Chasers

We hear success stories every day—but this much achievement all in one family is truly exceptional.
Meet the Tarr family: Travis, Holly and Eric all doctors of physical therapy. Building financially-sound enterprises is in their DNA. They co-own 11 successful ventures in the USA, five physical therapy clinics, four fitness centers, and two real estate businesses.
They know the meaning of hard work and say they’ve been blessed with the financial rewards that come with it. What was missing, however, was time, freedom and, oddly enough… good health.
“The party came to us”
“As physical therapists, we advise people to get their health under control, and it’s less credible if we’re not in shape ourselves,” Travis explains. At the time, Holly just had a baby—and both she and Travis’ health needed improvement. “A friend and Vi (ViSalus) Promoter actually brought the Challenge Party to our home because we were too busy to attend one,” Travis says.
After hearing the passion and commitment from 3-Star Ambassador Neil Bellville, the Tarrs signed up as Vi Promoters even though they weren’t looking for additional income. Within months, they became Vi Ambassadors.
“We saw Wow moments one after another”
Holly lost 30 lbs. in her first 90 days on the PROJECT 10™ Challenge. Results quickly trickled down to the rest of the family, with a total weight loss of 140 lbs. The latest success story is Brenda Tarr, a Vi Regional Director who dropped four dress sizes and is now a size 6. “I feel 20 years younger with energy I thought I would never experience again,” shares Brenda.
The eye-opener
Seeing the incredible weight-loss results of the rest of the family, Eric, who splits his time as CEO of the physical therapy clinics and as family business mastermind, became intrigued. “I was trying to build muscle with expensive supplements but was stuck at the 290-lb. bench press. After four weeks using the Fit Kit and Vi-pak®, I got ripped and was able to press 340 lbs,” Eric says. It wasn’t long before he and his wife became Vi Promoters, too.
The wisdom behind The Challenge
Eric started researching the science behind the product. What he found astonished him. The purity of the ingredients was impressive but the simple wisdom behind the PROJECT 10 Challenge was key. “Diets fail because people are asked to make lifestyle changes upfront, so only 1% of them find it sustainable. The Challenge gives people the confidence to tweak a small part of their lives. That change becomes a habit and amplifies results, without people even realizing it,” Eric says.
Lending our good name to Vi
As local business influencers, the Tarr family is frequently approached with various business opportunities. “We have a lot at stake by putting our relationship equity on the line and vouching for others,” explains Eric. “But I have no hesitation standing by Vi.”
He adds, “I recommend the PROJECT 10 Challenge because it’s the safest, most simple, most effective program to address weight-loss and fitness nutrition, and motivation needs that I have seen in my career.”
A new meaning for prosperity
Seeing positive changes in themselves prompted the Tarrs to Challenge their physical therapy patients and employees, too. “We told our 40 employees in our clinics, ‘It’s unlikely that one of you is going to become a millionaire just working here, but we can teach you to promote The Challenge at the same time and live that dream that’s buried in you,’” shares Travis.
Living The Challenge to change other people’s lives is the Tarr family’s biggest reward.