Aron And Cathy Parker; 12 Years To Become An Overnight Success

Aron and Cathy Parker, DubLi


It was some time ago when I heard a leader on stage say, Would it be worth it if for 4 years if you weren't successful and then made 6 figures on the 5th year? What if it took 10 years? 15 years? Would it still be worth it? For most, the answer is absolutely. 

Most of us spend decades in our job working only to make progress in baby steps with a ceiling cap looming above us. The promise from network marketing is what keeps people going.

It's what kept Aron and Cathy Parker going, even though they both started on their own separate paths 12 years ago. Their story has become one that defines what the network marketing industry is about.

What many people earn in a year is what Aron and Cathy have just earned in a single month at DubLi; $41,000*. But it didn't come easy. There were times in their network marketing career where they were on WIC (a type of government welfare program).

Their decision to sign up with DubLi didn't come easy. Their network marketing career had picked up momentum in the last couple of years even though they had struggled in it for so long they began to see success in their last company, finally reaching the 6 figure mark. 

When asked why they signed up with DubLi even though they had finally seen success? Aron's response is simple:

If I didn't do this it'd be the biggest mistake of my career and I needed to take a huge leap of faith. That huge leap paid off.

Although they still love and use the MLSP tools to help them in building DubLi, as well as earn a passive income from MLSP, their full focus is on their current team. Aron and Cathy both take on their own roles in building their business but are both working night and day helping individuals reach their own pinacles of success as well. 

Aron says what really changed for him is he stopped treating his business as a hobby. Anyone can do what it takes, but not everyone does what it takes. My 'WHY' became a desperate 'WHY'. That's when I finally started to do what it takes.

I asked Aron what he thought about goals, something I ask all leaders in the industry, and expected the same generic answer I'm always given. Aron's response surprised me and I found it refreshing.

99 out of 100 goals don't come true and you're setting yourself up for failure. If you really were going to get it, you would. I don't set goals, I set decisions. 

Since signing up with DubLi they've been making waves, hitting the Vice President level on October 30th, taking less than 90 days. They attribute their success to spending one on one quality time with their team.

They use both belly to belly building and online marketing and their mission is to help others achieve the same success, or better, as they have. 

Aron and Cathy met through the network marketing industry. They had both made the decision to start their careers independently of each other and continued to build their own businesses over the years. Now, they work together.

I asked Cathy what message she has for other women out there. She shared that women have a natural ability to lead and nurture and need to be encouraged to build more than they are now. Women have an intuition that would help them strive. 

As a couple, they work with equal leadership. While Aron handles more of the internet marketing Cathy is on the creative side. They encourage those that are married to try to get their spouse involved as much as possible and have as much clear communication as they can. 

In closing, I asked them both what the single most important aspect was in becoming successful —

Cathy's answer was 'mindset' and Aron's was How bad do you really want it? If you really want success, you will do what it takes, no-matter how long it takes! 

They're excited about DubLi because they don't have to change peoples buying habits and customers can join for free, thus they have a high customer sign-up rate. When they said they're excited about building their team, they proved it by answering their team calls around the clock and getting in the trenches with them. They've developed an online marketing system for their team that will be launching soon, taking their business even further than it already has. 

In speaking with them during our interview, the excitement from Aron was palpable while Cathy had a relaxed intensity. No longer standing in the shadows of top income earners of the industry they've now become a force to be reckoned with. If their decade of struggles resulted in a $40,000 month, we can only imagine what will happen with the road blocks out of the way. This is a couple to keep an eye on.

You can contact Aron and Cathy Parker here:

*Results not typical

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