Why You Have To Attend Conventions If You Want Success

Direct Selling Convention, MLM Convention


Often newbies have the question / objection Why should I attend a convention, it cost time and money.

The reason is simple, we at Business From Home do not know any MLM, Network Marketing / Direct Selling professional or Top Earner who reached the top ranks without attending conventions.

My own first convention in 1993 in the USA, New Orleans (I was flying in from the Netherlands) blow me away. Wow 6,000 people all with the same dream, I was not the only one!

You want to see / meet leadership both from the field as the corporate executives, you need the positive ambiance to strenghten your belief system, you want to meet succesfull people, hear the stories from other distributors. You will come back with a much better understanding of the company, its products and the business model.

You will have a great time at your convention, and time will fly by fast.

But don’t just go there to “see how it is” or to “check things out.”

You invested good money and time away from your family to be at the convention, so make sure you maximize the experience and get as much from it as you can.

How do you get the most out of these conventions?

1.  Do videos with your team

Give your team exposure and build them up to be rock stars.  If you don’t have a team yet, do videos with your up-line.  Go crazy with videos.  The exposure you are going to get from doing simple videos with your team will build excitement.  It will provide content for you to use later on in your marketing.

 2.  Take notes

Go to the event as a professional instead of just sitting there trying to absorb everything. You will get more out of the training when you think about it from a business perspective.

3.  Do interviews with you smart phone.

When leaders are willing, ask them one or two questions in a video interview.  These work really well for your own professional promotion on social media.

 4.  Think of the best take-aways from each day.

Think of the top take away that you get each day.  Make it a blog post the day-of or as soon as possible.  Shoot a quick video or type it out, even if it is 2 a.m.  When you post it on Facebook or your blog and e-mail it to your list, they want to be there too.  By sharing what you learn, you are giving value to people.

5.  Photos.

Get pictures taken with as many leaders as you can. Take pictures with your up-line and your team. Don’t just get pictures to get pictures. Get pictures for marketing purposes.  People will see how active you are, they will want to follow you and make money with you.


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